Page 83 - 5-Year-Book
P. 83

1.  A Girl Child of 7 Years, Open                                                 2.  A Baby Boy of 6 Months, Cleft

       Heart Surgery, Queen’s NRI Hospital                                               Lipand Palate - Repair Surgery,

                                                                                         Queen’s NRI Hospital

       The first case was taken up by Queen’s NRI Hospital. The
       patient,  a  girl  child  of  7  years  from  a  socio-economically
       disadvantaged  background, was admitted in the said hospital,                     The second case taken up was regarding an infant, 6 months old.
       and was diagnosed with Infective Endocarditis with Mitral valve                   The child was born with “Grade III Right Complete Cleft Lip and
       Vegetation (infection of heart valves) that needed an urgent                      Palate” and needed surgery (Cleft Lip and Anterior Palate Repair)
       open-heart     surgery.  Team  Vatsalya,  in  coordination  with  Dr              for the same to facilitate normal eating of food and liquids. The
       Bhaskar  Ram,  the  Medical Officer of the Institute’s Health                     child was admitted in Queen’s NRI Hospital and the case
       Center, coordinated, helped and facilitated completion of the                     was brought  to  the  reference  of  the  Health  Center  and  Team
       process in a very short span of time, and a financial assistance                  Vatsalya of the Institute. Though the COVID-19 lockdown was in
       of Rs.1.0 lakh required for the surgery was sanctioned promptly                   force,  Dr.  V  Bhaskar Ram, the Institute’s Medical Officer
       by the EFM. The child underwent the surgery successfully and was                  responded in time and collaborated with the doctors of
       discharged in a stable condition on 19/2/2020.                                    Queen’s NRI, guided Team Vatsalya  and  represented  the  case
                                                                                         to  Ekam  Foundation  Mumbai,  for funding. With the process
                                                                                         facilitated and completed in short time,  financial  assistance  of
                                                                                         Rs.35,000/-  required  for  the  surgery  was sanctioned promptly
                                                                                         by the EFM. The child underwent the surgery successfully and
                                                                                         was discharged in a stable condition on 01/5/2020.

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