Page 55 - IIM(V)Issue_10 Feb_V4
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        IIMV Signs MoU with NADP to boost Indian Defence Sector


          23 DECEMBER

        IIMV signed an MoU with the National Academy of       and case studies, focusing on academic
        Defence  Production,  Nagpur  (NADP)  to  enhance     collaboration, research, and development in

        capacity building and leadership development in       management, administration, and related areas to
        India’s defence sector. The MoU was signed by         enhance functional and behavioural competencies.
        Prof. Chandrasekhar M, Director of IIMV, and Dr. J P   Dr.  J.P.  Dash  emphasized  that  the  collaboration
        Dash, Chief General Manager of NADP.                  fosters trust and aligns with a shared vision for
        This partnership will facilitate long-term initiatives   national capacity building.

        such as student exchange programs, conferences,

        Christmas Celebrations at IIMV

           25 DECEMBER

        IIM    Visakhapatnam      celebrated     Christmas
        with  sparkling  lights,  festive  cheer,  and  a  cozy
        atmosphere.  The  event  featured  a  joyous  carols

        night, spreading holiday magic and warmth across

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