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        The team also had the privilege of interacting
        with  Shri  K.  Sanjay  Murthy,  Secretary  (Higher

        Education),  GoI,  and  gained  valuable  insights
        during the discussions. Organised under the aegis
        of  the  Department  of  Higher  Education,  GoI,  the
        conclave  featured  enriching  panel  discussions,
        workshops, and exhibitions, focusing on fostering
        positive mental health, leveraging technology, and

        sharing best practices.

        International Immersion program for Executive PhD scholars

           16-24 NOVEMBER

         Executive  PhD  scholars  from  the  Indian  Institute
         of Management Visakhapatnam are participated
         in a transformative campus immersion at the
         University  of  Agder  (UiA),  Norway,  guided  by  IIM
         Visakhapatnam  Executive  PhD  Chair,  Prof.  Amit
         Shankar. Taking place in their second term, this
         immersion  involves  13  scholars  engaging  in  an

         international learning experience as part of their
         part-time program, reflecting IIM Visakhapatnam’s
         emphasis on global perspectives and leadership

        National Library Week Celebrations

           18 - 22ND NOVEMBER

        The inauguration of National Library Week              and the transformative impact it has had on
        celebrations at IIMV took place on Nov 18th, 2024.     libraries across India. She highlighted the key
        The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp      features of DELNET, such as its digital resources,
        by  Dr.  Sangeetha  Kaul,  the  Director  of  DELNET   online databases, and inter-library loan     services,

        (Developing Library Network), who graced the           which have revolutionized how libraries operate
        occasion as the chief guest. This traditional gesture   and collaborate. Dr. Kaul stressed the importance
        symbolized  the  beginning  of  the  celebrations,     of libraries as not just repositories of books,
        marking an important day for the promotion of          but  as  dynamic  centers  for  learning,  research,
        libraries and their vital role in society.             and community    engagement. As part of the
                                                               National Library Week celebrations, the IIMV
        Dr. Sangeetha Kaul has delivered a speech to our
        community on DELNET’s mission, objectives, and         Library team undertook a meaningful outreach

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