Page 41 - IIM(V)Issue_10 Feb_V4
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IIMV FIELD, in collaboration with EPIC, the Student the top prize, while ‘Allot Up’ and ‘Mission Possible’
Entrepreneurship Committee at IIM Visakhapatnam, earned runner-up and People’s Choice awards.
has created an essential platform called EpiVault Two finalist teams have secured incubation and
for student entrepreneurs to showcase ideas, pitch mentorship opportunities at IIMV FIELD, providing
to investors, and gain industry insights. EpiVault them with the support necessary to transform their
attracted 45 student participants this year, with eight ideas into impactful ventures.
teams advancing to the finals. ‘Medimart’ claimed
IIMV FIELD, in collaboration with EPIC, the IGNIS has already attracted 21 promising startups
Student Entrepreneurship Committee at IIM within the first four IGNIS meets held, underscoring
Visakhapatnam, has been instrumental in fostering the program’s growing influence in the region.
an entrepreneurial spirit and igniting innovation Notably, Pedigraphy, one of the early entrants of
across campus and beyond. Through initiatives IGNIS program, celebrated a significant milestone
like IGNIS, IIMV FIELD continues to guide aspiring by securing acceptance into the prestigious NVIDIA
entrepreneurs from the states of Andhra Pradesh Inception Program. This remarkable achievement
and Telangana thereby strengthening the startup reflects EPIC’s dedication to propelling startups
ecosystem in the region. toward global platforms and driving innovation
IGNIS (Ideation, Growth, Nurture, Incubation, beyond the campus.
and Scaling) is a flagship program that acts as
a platform to nurture technology-driven startups
through every phase of growth in the region. IGNIS
40 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024