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           analysis, using the partial least squares-structural equation modelling
           (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings establish that consumption value

           is  a  formative  construct  that  further  positively  influences  place
           identity,  intentions  to  visit  RRAs,  and  WoM  for  RRAs  by  LHTDs.
           This implies that the intentions of LHTDs to visit relaxation sites are
           mostly influenced by the values they perceive from such places. This
           perception of consumption values also helps LHTDs develop place
           identity  with  RRAs  and  influences  them  to  spread  positive  WoM
           about it. However, the results of the present study did not find the
           mediation role of place identity. This implies that Indian LHTDs will
           develop  the  intention  to  visit  RRAs  because  of  the  consumption

           values rather than any attachment to the place. The findings of this
           paper will help transport policymakers develop adequate measures
           for developing rest areas on major transport routes to improve road
           safety and drivers’ wellbeing.

           Click here to read the paper.

           Evaluating the Preparedness of  Freight Logistics Firms
           for Cyber-Physical Systems Integration: A SAP-LAP
           Methodology for Sustainable Development

           Aalok Kumar, Ramesh A; Umabharti Rawat

           Global Journal of flexible system’s management  (ABDC-A)

           Technological advancements are transforming end-to-end supply
           chains into resilient ecosystems in the dynamic and competitive
           logistics landscape. These advancements can lead to cost reductions
           and  enhanced  customer  satisfaction  by  improving  flexibility,
           predictability, efficiency, and sustainability. Cyber-physical systems
           (CPS)  emerge  as  a  key  technology  for  improving  sustainability,
           system  and operational  performance, and resilience. Despite  its
           transformative potential, the logistics industry has been slow to
           adopt this technology. To understand the reasons behind this
           slow adoption, it is crucial to evaluate the readiness of logistics
           organizations.  This  evaluation  sheds  light  on  the  current  state
           of  Indian  logistics  ecosystems  and  their  preparedness  for  CPS
           integration to enhance sustainability. This study adopts an integrated

           qualitative and quantitative approach for enhancing readiness and
           sustainability  goals.  The  situation,  actor,  process–learning,  action,
           performance framework is used to explore the readiness toward CPS
           implementation. The efficient interpretive ranking procedure (e-IRP)
           is employed to prioritize actors and actions to enhance CPS

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