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           Metaverse meetings: fantasy or sustainable future of

           Kumar Aman; Amit Shankar; Kumar Rajesh; Kumar V V, Ajith
           International Journal of Manpower   (ABDC-A)

           This study examines the effect of crucial factors (benefits and sacrifices)
           influencing  employees’  perceived  values  (hedonic  and  utilitarian)

           towards metaverse meeting platforms. Further, the study investigates
           the impact of employees’ perceived values (hedonic and utilitarian
           values) on behavioral intention to use metaverse meeting platforms.
           The study also examines how behavioral intention to use metaverse
           meeting platforms influences organizational SDG achievement. Finally,
           the authors analyzed the moderating impact of employee creativity.


           Data  were  collected  from  228  participants  through  structured
           questionnaires, and the hypotheses were examined using the structural
           equation modeling approach


           Social  presence  and  technostress  are  significantly  associated  with
           perceived hedonic  value.  Further, social presence,  exhaustion and
           technostress  are  significantly  associated  with  perceived  utilitarian
           value. Similarly, perceived hedonic and utilitarian value is significantly
           associated with behavioral intention to use metaverse meeting
           platforms. Further,  behavioral intention  to  use  metaverse meeting

           platforms is also significantly associated with SDG achievement.


           Social  presence  and  technostress  are  significantly  associated  with
           perceived hedonic  value.  Further, social presence,  exhaustion and
           technostress  are  significantly  associated  with  perceived  utilitarian
           value. Similarly, perceived hedonic and utilitarian value is significantly
           associated with behavioral intention to use metaverse meeting
           platforms. Further,  behavioral intention  to  use  metaverse meeting
           platforms is also significantly associated with SDG achievement.

           Click here to read the paper.

       14 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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