Page 38 - Volume5, Issue 3, May-August 2024
P. 38
Campus Immersion Module – NFHP
Our recent Campus Immersion Module, a key part event allowed entrepreneurs to exhibit their
of the Naaripreneur for Her Program, brought products and services, engage in meaningful
together over 30 entrepreneurs from 21 startups discussions, and gather valuable feedback.
across 12 cities in India. This two-day event We were honoured to have Ms. Deepthi Anand,
provided a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs Founder of Valencia Nutrition, and Prof. Milan Kumar,
to network with like-minded individuals. Faculty (Production & Operation Management) at
Networking is essential for opening new IIM Visakhapatnam, present at the event, providing
opportunities, fostering collaboration, and driving invaluable insights and feedback.
growth. Throughout the event, entrepreneurs The event featured a Masterclass Series from the
engaged in meaningful conversations over tea, IIMV Faculty, a Knowledge Series from the IIMV FIELD
lunch, and various activities, including sports. Team, an “Ask Me Anything” session with an industry
These interactions significantly strengthened expert, and networking and startup product/service
their connections and collaborative spirit. showcase opportunities. This dynamic gathering
This event was an excellent platform for provided opportunities for expert knowledge sharing,
showcasing the innovative products and services product exhibitions, and networking, all aimed at
developed by our entrepreneurs. The two-day enhancing entrepreneurial skills.
35 VOL.5/ ISSUE 3, MAY-AUGUST 2024