Page 6 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
P. 6


                                                              Industry leaders discussed the symbiotic relationships
                                                              between startups and large enterprises, emphasizing
                                                              reciprocal learning. Resilience, often linked to startups,
                                                              was seen as a skill gained through interdependence.
                                                              Large corporations were recognized for insights in
                                                              resource  optimization,  agile  decision-making,  and

                                                              fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. The discourse
                                                              highlighted three key learnings for large enterprises
                                                              from  startups:  operating  with  a  scarcity  mindset,
                                                              valuing progress over perfection through agile
                                                              decision-making, and fostering an entrepreneurial

      The  conversation  then  shifted  to  startups  learning  from  large  organizations,  emphasizing  adaptability,
      pivoting strategies, and navigating learning curves. Collaboration potential was underlined, showcasing
      successful examples and highlighting timing, sustainability, and a shared vision as critical factors for startup
      success. The discussion concluded with encouragement for collaboration, noting that the union of momentum
      from large organizations and the velocity of startups creates a robust ecosystem leveraging both strengths.

      Renowned entrepreneur and founder of House of Omkar, Mrs.
      Poonam Kaul, delivered an insightful keynote session on resilience
      in the second  half  of  the  event.  She  delved  into  the  US  Army’s
      practice of resilience and explored various responses to adversity.
      The session explored the resilience exhibited by brands in adapting
      to changing consumer preferences, emphasizing the ability to pivot
      and pirouette successfully.

      The DNA of a resilient brand, including authenticity, customer
      focus, consistency, innovation, and adaptability, was elucidated

      through  industry  examples,  notably  the  battery  crisis  faced  by
      Nokia in 2007. The keynote stressed the importance of a well-
      defined, consistent, open, and transparent brand story at the core
      of resilience.

      With the mantra “Those who tell the story rule the world,” the speaker emphasized the impact of purpose
      and values in capturing audience attention. The session highlighted the role of storytelling in triggering

      emotions and building brand loyalty, citing successful campaigns such as “Release the Pressure” by Mirinda
      and Nokia’s “Your Wish is My APP.”

      Additionally, the keynote touched on crisis management strategies, exemplified by the Kurkure plastic
      controversy, and the nuanced approach to social media responses categorized into L1, L2, and L3 levels.
      Transformative leaders like Steve Jobs and Richard Benson were cited as brilliant storytellers, underscoring
      the influential role of narratives in shaping brand identity.

        3 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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