Page 45 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
P. 45



         27-28 OCTOBER
      The learning workshop was conducted on the 27th and 28th of October 2023 at the IIMV’s temporary campus.

      The primary objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for MGNFs to share the valuable insights and
      knowledge they have gained over the past two years. Each fellow made a video presentation, which was to
      be pre-recorded to ensure that the sessions runs smoothly and punctually. These video presentations were
      presented to a panel of esteemed faculty members.

      The best two presentations from each panel were selected based on commonly agreed upon metrics by the
      respective panel which could be based on things like - quantum and quality of work done during their DIMs,

      impact created, initiatives undertaken, and achievements, among other criteria such as quality and style of
      presentation, handling of Q&A, etc.

     The selected MGNFs for best presentation are felicitated by Professor M. Chandrasekhar, the Director, IIMV
     for their efforts.

        42 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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