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      Online Capacity building program on Communication skills

         28 JANUARY

      IIMV conducted an Online capacity building program on
      Communication skills for students from Musaliar Institute of
      Management, Kerala, from 24 to 28 January 2022. Directed

      by Prof. Chandreie Mukherjee and Prof. Sunitha T, faculty
      IIMV (Management Communication area), this five-day
      program aimed at equipping students with the necessary
      skills required for effective communication. The sessions
      focussed on topics such as Attentive Listening, Public
      Speaking, Preparing and Delivering impactful Presentations,
      Professional Email Etiquette, and Preparing for Interviews.

      Leadership Development Program ‘Saksham’ for IOCL O cers

         12 FEBRUARY
                                                            IIMV concluded the sixth 6-day Leadership
                                                            Development Program ‘Saksham’ for Indian Oil
                                                            Corporation Limited (IOCL) on 12 February 2022, as
                                                            the Knowledge Partner of the Indian Oil Institute of
                                                            Petroleum Management (IiPM). The Valedictory
                                                            address was delivered by Mr. Vippin Kumar Jain,

                                                            Chief General Manager (L&D), IiPM. Mr. Jain
                                                            emphasized the value of small incremental steps by a
                                                            leader that lead to extraordinary results. He urged the

      cohort to take timely decisions and calculated risks in the process of curating organizational success.
      Conducted between 7 and 12 February 2022 at IIMV, this customised training program was led by Prof.
      Amit Chakrabarti and Prof. Bishakha Majumdar and provided training for Grade E and F officers of IOCL in
      strategic, operational, customer, and talent leadership. The sessions involved active learning through case
      studies, self-assessments, experiential exercises, and knowledge-sharing.

      Executive Development Program on Digital Supply Chain & Logistics

         20 FEBRUARY

      IIMV, in collaboration with NuLearn, inaugurated a 6-month online Executive Development Program on
      Digital Supply Chain & Logistics Management on 20 February 2022. Prof. Aalok Kumar, the Program

      Director, welcomed the participants and gave an overview of the components that will focused during this
      program, in tandem with the current supply chain challenges. Prof. MV Anuradha, Chair, Execute
      Education Programs, gave the opening address and highlighted the importance of resource utilization in
      the digital era. Prof. M. Chandrasekhar, Director, IIMV, delivered the inaugural address and highlighted the

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