Page 98 - 5-Year-Book
P. 98

Prakriya is the Operations Club of the Institute. It
                serves as a platform for operation management
                enthusiasts to interact and learn. Operations
                management is the administration of business                                                MarkAdz - The Marketing Club of
                practices to create the highest level of ef ciency                                          the Institute, aims to provide the
                possible within an organization. It serves as a key                                         students an opportunity to delve
                element in any business enterprise and remains                                              into the depth of marketing. The
                crucial for overall organizational growth and                                               club    helps    the    students     to
                development. We aim at sharing knowledge via                                                understand     real-world    marketing
                guest lectures, peer-to-peer learning sessions,                                             by   bringing in industry leaders
                activities,  and  workshops,  thus  moving  and                                             as     guest    speakers     and    by
                learning  from  the  industry  as  we  steer  through                                       conducting    various    competitions,
                Industry  1.0     to  4.0    and   beyond.    We    at                                      quizzes, and other games. By giving
                Prakriya, try to impart  as  much  interaction                                              students  the  right  experience,  the
                of  the  student community  with the leaders in                                             Club  enhances  the problem solving
                this vertical, so they can be industry ready for                                            and analytical skills  of  the  students
                the future.                                                                                 enabling  them  to  think  out  of  the
                                                                                                            box  and  making  them         industry
                                                                                                            ready for the corporate world.

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