Page 94 - 5-Year-Book
P. 94
Shivshanker Singh Vivek Madupu
Patel Area: Marketing
Education: PhD ( Memphis)
Area: Decision Sciences Experience: 2 years in Industry
Education: PhD (IISc, Bangalore) & 16 years in Teaching
Experience: 1.5 years in Industry &
4 years in Teaching
Vinay Ramani Vishal Singh Patyal
Area: Economics Area: Decision Sciences Areat
Education: PhD (SUNY, Buffalo) Education: PhD, NITIE, Mumbai
Experience: 1.5 years in Industry & Experience: 1 years in Industry
12 years in Teaching & 5 years 7 months
in Teaching
P R S Sarma J Srinivas
Area: Production and Operations Area: Information Systems
Management Education: PhD (University of
Education: PhD (IIT Delhi) Hyderabad)
Experience: More than 20 years in Experience: More than 20 years in
Industry & Teaching. Industry