Page 95 - 5-Year-Book
P. 95
Student Academic Council
The Academic Council of the Institute is a four-member elected body. It ANK, The IT & Analytics Club of the Institute aims
comprises three senior members (one of whom is a representative of the at inculcating technological excellence in future
body in the Students Affairs Council), assisted by a junior member from managers. The objective of ANK is exposing
the first year batch. The Council is responsible for coordinating the budding managers to emerging technologies
electives selection process for the students right from their 3rd term. to empower them to stay ahead in
This includes identifying courses that are relevant and valuable transforming business domains. Technology
to the students in the contemporary context and conducting the won't replace the managers but managers
selection process. Further, it creates an enabling ecosystem to facilitate who use technology replace the managers
the students' learning process through the aid of a pool of Subject who don't. As managers, it is unequivocally
Representatives. The Council also organises regular interaction important to be aware of the newest
sessions for the students with eminent academicians and industry technology and to understand its benefits and
stalwarts, to ensure that the students develop an understanding of limitations. Failing to do this, managers risk can
how the concepts taught can be applied in practice and to keep them get run over by technology advances. IT &
abreast of emerging trends in the research space as well. Analytics Club aims to make future
managers aware of the current scenario in
order to help them make informed
professional decisions. The Club activities
involve conducting guest lectures, workshops,
and events that can help provide students a
platform to enhance their learnings and
skillsets in the analytics field.
More than 20 years in Industry