Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines for Research Paper: |
Full paper submissions of not more than 8000 words (including tables, figures, notes, and references) must include abstract, keywords (max. 5), purpose, design/methodology/approach, findings, discussion, research limitations and managerial/social implications The formatting style for the paper should be Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around, and 8.5"x 11"-page setting. Figures, graphs, tables, references, and appendices should follow APA reference style. All the abstracts must be submitted in pdf format. |
Submission Guidelines for Abstract/Extended Abstract: |
A abstract of maximum of 250 words is allowed for submission for the conference. All the extended abstracts must be submitted in pdf format. |
Submission Guidelines for Poster Presentation: |
Bachelors and Masters students can submit posters at the conference. The posters must include objective, research questions, methodology and findings. The dimensions of the poster should be up to a maximum of 48″ wide x 36" tall landscape format or 36” wide x 48” tall vertical format. The poster must be in .pdf format. The poster file size may not exceed 10MB. All the papers, abstracts and posters must not be parallelly submitted to another journal or conference. A participant can submit up to two papers or posters for the conference. |
Conference Fee Waiver: |
There are a few scholarship opportunities available for the fee waiver of the conference. This is limited to full paper submissions only. First- and second-year PhD students are eligible for registration fee waiver based on the quality of their research. There is no need to apply separately for this. The decision will be made by an expert committee, and its decision will be final. |
Paper Submission Guidelines