Fees and Awards

Vipanan 2025 is a hybrid conference. The registration fee of the conference based on the mode of participation is mentioned below. The registration fee is inclusive of GST.




PhD Scholars

INR 5900/-

INR 3500/-


INR 9000/-

INR 7000/-

Poster Presentation (Bachelors/Masters students)

INR 3500/-

INR 2500/-


INR 12000/-


International Students



Attendees *

INR 4500/- ($ 60)

 Registration fee does not include accommodation. Limited on campus accommodation (Air conditioned) is available on an individual basis at the nominal cost of INR 850/- per day on a first come first serve basis.

 *Please note that for attendees (students or professionals) accommodation will not be provided by the Institute 

A group discount of 10 % will be provided to a group of 3 individuals or more 

Full papers chosen for presentation at the conference will be considered for best paper prizes in addition to the certificate of presentation. The first and second prizes for the full papers are INR 15000/- and INR 10,000/- respectively. The best poster will win a cash prize of INR 7000/-.

Please be informed that the conference kit will only be available for in-person attendees. For those participating online, all relevant e-resources will be made available.