Page 30 - April_2024 Broucher.indd
P. 30

Happy Paul

    Title: Customer engagement strategies within family businesses in emerging economies: A multi-method


    Journal: Journal of Business Research

    Customer Engagement (CE) research has been growing considerably over

    time, however, most of this research emanates from developed economies
    and large organizational contexts. Little is known about CE strategies when

    it comes to family-owned businesses in emerging market context. This
    paper tries to synthesize the extant literature on CE to identify the state

    of research concerning CE practices followed in family-owned businesses
    from emerging markets. To achieve this objective, we first conducted a

    structured literature review of CE research published in last two decades
    in the top tier management and marketing journals. Second, drawing from
                                                 the insights received from the findings of the structured review, we design a

                                                 structured interview schedule to collect first-hand data from the managers

                                                 working in family-owned businesses in India. This rich data is then analyzed
                                                 using  a  qualitative  data  analysis  package.  Findings  from  our  analysis
                                                 reveal that social media platforms, continuous monitoring of the customer

                                                 feedback and reviews, importance to non-financial goals, safeguarding

                                                 the reputation, and maintaining the trustful relationship are critical aspects
                                                 of family-owned firms’ CE strategy. Another interesting aspect about the
                                                 CE strategies in family businesses vis-à-vis non-family-businesses,

     specifically from an emerging country context is the reliance on the third-party agencies to manage the content
    creation and digital marketing. Study findings not only help advance the scholarship within the twin fields of customer
    engagement and family business, but also provide valuable insights to the practitioners of family-owned businesses.

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