Page 84 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-25.11.2024
P. 84
IIM Visakhapatnam
Final Placement Brochure 2023-25
Vaibhav Kowe Tapasya Suhas Waidande
UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : BMS
UG Specialisation : Mechanical UG Specialisation : Marketing
Engineering Summer internship : Larsen &
Summer internship : HSL Vizag Toubro (L&T)
» Vaibhav completed his internship at PIX Transmission Ltd. a transmission belt manufacturing company, where he » Tapasya Interned with L&T Defense as a Summer Intern where she actively worked on a significant project
was responsible for maintaining machinery and assisting in the operational setup of new equipment. “Understanding and optimizing Contract Management Workflows and gave Recommendations for Improvement
» He has completed the NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification, qualifying him as an analyst, and Operational Efficiency”
advisor, and marketer of consumer financial products, compliant with SEBI Regulations. » She served as the Junior Coordinator of the Media and PR Cell at IIMV and was the Cultural Secretary during
» He has completed his summer internship at HSL Vizag, where he Led process improvement through digitization her graduation, where she played a pivotal role in organizing both inter and intra-college events, engaging
initiatives within the commercial department. over 400 students.
» She holds multiple certifications in Digital Marketing, Adobe Illustrator, TCS Career Edge, Lean Six Sigma, and
Advanced Excel.
Kshitija Bhagwansingh Chauhan Shivi Goel
UG Degree : B.Sc. UG Degree : B.Arch
UG Specialisation : Chemistry UG Specialisation : N/A
Summer internship : Godrej & Boyce Summer internship : Kalolwala &
Mfg. Co. Ltd.- Lawkim Motors Group Associates
» Kshitija has completed her internship at Godrej Lawkim Motors in marketing domain. » Shivi was included in the Director’s Merit List for exceptional academic performance, ranking within the top 5%
» She has successfully completed the course on Social Media Marketing : Managing Online Communities by of the PGP 2023-25 cohort.
LinkedIn Learning that explores the methods to turn an online audience into a true community. » During her internship with Kalolwala & Associates, she gained practical experience in interviewing, analysing
» She has successfully accomplished the course on Marketing Strategy : Competitive Intelligence by LinkedIn and creating corporate reports, staying updated with industry trends, interacting with C-suite executives and
Learning that provides ways to conduct a competitive analysis for a business and analyze the competitor’s collaborating cross functionally.
strategies. » She served as a Junior Coordinator for Vatsalya- The CSR Club of IIMV and was responsible for coordinating
students across initiatives such as Mockat for visually impaired CAT Aspirants and Blood Donation drive.
Riya Mahawar Pratap Sidheshwar Kadam
UG Degree : B.Com (Hons.) UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : N/A UG Specialisation : Mechanical
Summer internship : GoPrayaan Engineering
Summer internship : Soocel Digital
» During her internship at GoPrayaan, Riya conducted comprehensive market research on Wellness Tourism, » Pratap built a community of over 1100 members for the company I interned with to originally reach target
analyzing 50 destinations and creating a competitive landscape for the Indian industry. By identifying key trends, audience.
her work resulted in the company securing a consultation role with Pema Wellness Resort, Visakhapatnam. » He achieved an impressive state rank 29th in the Maharashtra Talent Search Examination.
» She was felicitated with a Gold Medal for securing 1st position in B.Com Honors semester-end examination at » He earned an impressive 109th international rank in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
Medha Sammaan 2022.
» She has served as House Captain in her school (2016-17), led 200 students and a 12-member team, coordinated
successful events, boosted student participation, and secured 1st place in 6 Inter-House Quizzes.
Sara Malhotra Goutham Banapuram
UG Degree : B.A. (Hons.) UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : N/A UG Specialisation : Electronics
Summer internship : Hero MotoCorp Engineering
Summer internship : PowerSchool India
» Sara had the incredible opportunity to intern at Hero MotoCorp, specifically in the marketing department for » Goutham interned with PowerSchool India as a product intern where he directly Interned with the VP of Product
their electric vehicle brand VIDA, she gained valuable insights into the rapidly evolving EV market and played a management and Senior Director of Sales Development International. He worked on International market
crucial role in supporting key marketing initiatives. research on GCC, database identification, outreach strategy, prospect research, market analysis, sales funnel
» She interned at Muskurahat Foundation and raised 11,850 optimization, lead generation, B2B marketing, customer acquisition.
» She interned at Whisttler and Orchestrated collaborations with 50+ creators, delivering a reach of 980k across » He serves as the Hostel and Mess Snior Coordinator, handling infrastructure and mess issues. He resolves
various platforms problems for a cohort of 660+ students and coordinates with college administration and the batch.
» His team was among the top 20 positions among 22 renowned business schools in India, distinguishing from a vast
and highly competitive pool of 21,284 applicants in the ‘Over the Wall Season 11’ organized by Marico in 2023.