Page 80 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-25.11.2024
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IIM Visakhapatnam
Final Placement Brochure 2023-25
Rutvik Chintrate Tanya Paul
UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Mechanical UG Specialisation : Mechanical &
Engineering Automation Engineering
Work Experience in months : 11 Work Experience in months : 11
Worked with : Metamorphosys
Technologies Worked with : McDermott
Summer internship : Mother Touch Toys Summer internship : Whirlpool
» Rutvik worked as a Business Analyst at Metamorphosys Technologies for 11 months, collaborating with India’s » Tanya developed a novel technique for loading/unloading system for vehicles in warehouses during her
largest insurance broker to configure products. He also contributed to a Business Process Reengineering team BTech in Mechanical Engineering. • Her innovative project was deemed significant enough to warrant a patent
that designed a new renewal process for a major Asia Pacific insurance company. application. • The patent office recognized the merit of Tanya’s invention and granted her a patent under her
» He successfully completed his summer internship with Mother Touch Toys as a Marketing Intern, where he name along with her team.
implemented digital marketing and e-commerce strategies, significantly enhancing online presence and sales. » Tanya spearheaded the “Sakhi” project, collaborating with the Delhi government to educate underprivileged
He boosted social media engagement and tripled reach by developing original content. girls. The project successfully impacted over 5,000 young women, earning Tanya recognition from the Chief
» He held sole responsibility for product configuration at Metamorphosys, successfully streamlining processes and Minister of Delhi. This led to the project’s expansion to several prestigious universities.
enhancing product performance. His exceptional work in this area earned him praise from the CEO, highlighting » Tanya rapidly emerged as a prominent member of a significant Employee Resource Group (ERG) within
his valuable contributions to the company’s overall success and innovation. McDermott, despite a short tenure of 11 months.She successfully organized various events and fostered strong
relationships with the leadership team globally, leading to recognition and an award for contributions to creating
a vibrant work environment.
Debayan Nath Ronak Sureka
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Com (Hons.)
UG Specialisation : Polymer UG Specialisation : N/A
Science And Technology Work Experience in months : 10
Work Experience in months : 11 Worked with : PLUS Brand, Hosiery Sales
Worked with : IIT Ropar Corporation
Summer internship : K12 Techno Services Summer internship : CRISIL Ltd.
» Received merit cum mean scholarship from Govt. of West Bengal » Ronak Sureka Interned with CRISIL Ltd., ascertaining a Credit Rating for a leading renewable energy producer in
» He previously interned with a CA firm and a manufacturing plant in Indore, gaining insights into diverse business
» He has acquired skills from Certifications from Google Digital Garage and NISM.
Tanishka Jain Maithili Taiwade
UG Degree : B.Com (Hons.) UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Commerce UG Specialisation : Petrochemical
Work Experience in months : 10 Work Experience in months : 10
Worked with : PriceWaterhouseCoopers Worked with : Sudarshan Chemical
Summer internship : ICICI Lombard Industries Limited
Summer internship : Product Management
Intern at Yokohama Off Highway Tires
» Tanishka interned with ICICI Lombard in Data Science & Analytics,where she developed strategies to shift motor » Maithili interned as a Product Management Intern at Yokohama Off Highway Tires, where she gained valuable
claim intimation from traditional self-service media to digital platform. She analyzed claim patterns, adoption industry experience. She contributed to key projects, enhancing her understanding of product management
rates, and customer satisfaction leading to recommendations for improving digital adoption, streamlining processes and strategies within the tire manufacturing industry.
workflows, and enhancing customer experience. » She served as the Placement Coordinator for her batch during her undergraduate studies in FY 21-22, facilitating
» She served as Joint Secretary of the Rotaract Club of Hansraj in 2021-22 and was named ‘Star Rotaractor of job opportunities. Her role involved connecting students with potential employers, organizing recruitment drives,
the Year’ for 2020-21 in the district. She is also the captain of the IIM Visakhapatnam Women’s Basketball team and ensuring a smooth placement process for her peers.
for 2024-25. » She is the winner of the Logiquest Quiz, a prestigious national-level competition organized by the Prakriya
» She worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers as an Internal Auditor, contributing to projects in Infrastructure, Operations Club at IIM Visakhapatnam. This achievement highlights her exceptional knowledge and skills in
Hospitality, and Real Estate. She conducted internal audits, reviewed customer relationship management, and logistics and operations, setting her apart among competitors.
worked on payroll data and procurement.
Aman Tembhhekar Vijay Kumar Singh
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Industrial UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering
Engineering Work Experience in months : 10
Work Experience in months : 10 Worked with : Infosys
Worked with : Gemba Concepts Summer internship : Shapoorji Pallonji E&C
Summer internship : Panacea Infosec
» Aman completed his Summer Internship at Panacea Infosec, where he contributed to a corporate strategy » At the 6th ICFMCF 2024 at IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, Vijay’s paper “Factors Affecting Vendors to Choose Government
project aimed at entering the ESG reporting and auditing market. Schemes for Business” has been accepted.
» He worked as a Lean Consultant for 10 months at a management consulting firm. He contributed to two projects: » He was selected for the Senior Coordinator for The Business and Public Policy Club, after being chosen from a
one improving OTIF levels by 12% and restructuring KRAs and KPIs across 15+ FMCG departments, and the other group of 350+ students at IIM Visakhapatnam.
setting up and automating a 30,000 sq. ft. warehouse, increasing its capacity to over 600,000 pieces in the » He was awarded the Student Achiever’s Award for two consecutive years (2015-16 and 2016-17) at VIT University,
Textile and Apparel industry. selected from a pool of over 5,000 students.
» His team secured 4th rank out of 579 registrations in an operations case competition organized by IIM
Visakhapatnam and he is a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.