Page 88 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-25.11.2024
P. 88
IIM Visakhapatnam
Final Placement Brochure 2023-25
Kriti Jangir Shiny Selvaraju
UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : Biotechnology UG Specialisation : Computer
Engineering Science & Engineering
Summer internship : Yokohama - Off Summer internship : TATA AIG
Highway Tires
» Received Director’s Merit List (DML) Award for being top 5% student in the batch of 2023. » Shiny Selvaraju interned at TATA AIG, where she worked on conducting competitive benchmarking of the policy
» Self-published a short prose and poetry collection called Unfelt in 2021. issuance process. During her internship, she identified the root causes of delays and implemented strategies to
enhance the turnaround time of policy issuance while reducing the non-FTR rate.
» First Runner-Up of Stratethon 2023 organised by Vyuham at IIM Visakhapatnam.
» She secured a position in the Director’s Merit List, ranking in the top 5% of her batch, and also earned a place
on the Merit List for Term 1.
» She secured first place in a national-level competition on product teardown organized by Novus, the Product
Management Club.
Ritu Katkar Nipun Mahajan
UG Degree : B.Sc. UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Physics UG Specialisation : Mechanical &
Summer internship : Baking Studios Automation Engineering
Summer internship : DefinEquity
Investment Managers Pvt Ltd
» Ritu interned in the Marketing domain at Baking Studio, exploring the consumer behavior for the food industry » Nipun was an Equity Analyst Intern at DefinEquity Investment where he was responsible for conducting in-depth
in Tier 3 & Tier 2 cities. research, analyzing investment opportunities and provide strategic insights to their clients.
» Ritu is also a sustainability enthusiast and has accordingly interned at WWF India as a PR & Outreach Intern in » He is certified in NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Examination and SEBI- Investor Certification
the Fundraising Department. Examination.
» Ritu has a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from Grant Thornton India. » He was a committee member of Manchester United Supporters Club- Delhi NCR from 2021 to 2023.
S Bindupriya Anshuman Sonowal
UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : BBA
UG Specialisation : Electronics and UG Specialisation : N/A
Communication Engineering Summer internship : Network 18 Media &
Summer internship : Vijayanand Travels Investments Ltd.
» Bindu completed an internship at Vijayanand Travels (subsidiary-VRL LOGISTICS), a prominent company in the » Earned LinkedIn skill assessment badges for HTML, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Microsoft Excel, and
travel industry, where she served as a Market Research Analyst. and developed marketing strategies aimed at Microsoft PowerPoint. These badges signify a high level of expertise and proficiency in these key areas,
increasing B2C revenue. demonstrating advanced capabilities in web development, SEO strategies, data analysis, and presentation
» She efficiently served as the Student Placement Coordinator during her UG collaborating with external design.
outsourcing agencies to enhance students’ job readiness. » Secured first place in school chess competitions for two consecutive years, demonstrating exceptional strategic
» She Secured second place in the PitchDesk Idea Presentation Stall organized by the E-Cell at JCET, earning a thinking and problem-solving skills. This achievement reflects a high level of dedication, focus, and ability to
reward of 25,000. navigate complex scenarios, consistently outmaneuvering peers and showcasing advanced chess tactics and
analytical prowess.
» Completed the “Master Microsoft Excel” course on LinkedIn Learning, gaining advanced skills in one of the
most essential spreadsheet applications. The course covered complex formulas, data analysis, pivot tables, and
automation, enhancing my proficiency and data management capabilities.
Archisha Chandna Vaishnavi Nitin Wani
UG Degree : B.Sc. (Hons.) UG Degree : B.Com
UG Specialisation : Economics UG Specialisation : Finance &
Summer internship : StockGro Accounting
Summer internship : CRISIL
» Archisha was the head of the academic writing and journalism club - Arthniti for the year 2022-23, during her » Vaishnavi served as a wealth management intern at CRISIL, studying the US wealth management market,
under-graduation. During this time she also got the chance to be a part of the organising committee of the analyzing the top 4 players in each of the three market segments, and providing insights for a market entry
International Conference, FECO, 2023, organised by Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune and also served as plan for CRISIL.
the Rapporteur for the same. She has also been awarded with the Best Academic Writer - Arthniti (2021-22) » She was elected as the Junior Placement Representative out of 377 students, a role in which she excelled
under the same club. by coordinating placement activities, scouting potential recruiters, and expanding the institute’s professional
» She has interned with StockGro as a marketing intern where under one of her project’s she spearheaded the network. Her responsibilities included organizing recruitment events, liaising with industry professionals, and
development of a Web Stories content strategy for StockGro. ensuring effective communication between students and recruiters. Her efforts significantly contributed to
» She has interned with Urban Company as a Business Development Intern. enhancing the placement process and opportunities available to her peers.
» She ranks among the top 0.1 percent of mathematics candidates PAN India (CBSE 2018 - 10th boards) and the
school topper in Mathematics (CBSE 2020-12th boards)