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86 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 87
 86 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
                                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam | 87

 Rajat Sharma  Adarsh Kumar Sahoo  Isha Chaudhary                            Palakonda Manoj Kumar

 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : BBA  UG  Degree : B.Com                   UG  Degree : BBA
 UG Specialisation : Electronics and   UG Specialisation : Finance  UG Specialisation : General   UG Specialisation : General
 Communication Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA  Worked with : NA           Worked with : NA
 Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : LetsEndorse   Summer Internship : Pay1  Summer Internship : Hindustan Shipyard
 Summer Internship : ā hub  Development Private Limited                      Limited

   Š Rajat has completed his summer internship at ā hub as a Summer Intern.    Š Adarsh, having attained the highest CGPA in his BBA graduation with a specialization in finance     Š Isha has done her internship at a FinTech company, Pay1 appointed as a Business Development     Š Palakonda is recognized with Certificate of appreciation for “Each One Reach One”
 management, proudly stands as a gold medalist in his University.
   Š He was the National winner of NITI GYAAN 2.0, a case competition organized by     Š He was the Junior Coordinator of Vega- The finance club of IIM Visakhapatnam where he was   Intern where she had to focus on unorganised  sector of refurbished  market for Second-hand   Covid Mission initiated by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education,
             mobile phones, finding the gaps and problems faced by distributors and subsequent retailers and
 The Business and Public Policy Club, IIM V.  responsible for organizing national-level equity valuation competitions, arranging finance   provide feasible solutions for those problems.  Ministry of Education, Government of India.
   Š He was part of the Organizing Committee of MAFFICK’18, a cultural festival of NIT   workshops and certification courses for students, and also collaborating with industry experts to     Š She has presented her paper, titled- “Understanding cyber terrorism with a special focus on zero-    Š He  completed  “Innovation  and  Design”  course  offered  by  Prof.  Chakravarthy
 speak at the annual events of the college.
 Bhopal.    Š He has worked for LetsEndorse development private limited as a financial research and strategy   day attacks” at International Conference on Computational Finance and Business Analytics (CFBA-  Battula, IIT Bombay.
 intern where he prepared a database structure of the lending landscape of Odisha, also done   2023) on 29th April, 2023.    Š He participated in the “Finsmart” National Level Management Meet at ST. Johns
 research and analyzed the lending portfolio of various financial institutions, and recommended     Š She has achieved 3rd rank at school level and a bronze medal in 6th SOF International English   college of Engineering & Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
 potential partnership opportunities for the company.  Olympiad in the year 2015.
 Shravya M  Vikram Kumar G  Atulya Venkatesh                                 Arpita Sonawane
 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Sc                   UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Electronics and   UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Psychology  UG Specialisation : Computer Science
 Communication Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : N/A  Worked with : N/A         Worked with : NA
 Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : TAFE  Summer Internship : Eastern Condiments Private   Summer Internship : Rasapoorna foods
 Summer Internship : State Street   Limited - MTR Foods Private Limited (Orkla India)   private limited

   Š Shravya M has interned at State Street Corporation in JV Management. She spearheaded     Š Vikram kumar did his summer internship at TAFE. He worked on a project titled” Identification of     Š During her Under-Graduation, Atulya was elected as the Secretary of the Entrepreneurship     Š Arpita was junior coordinator of cultural cluster and the fine arts club- ARTQuake
 groundbreaking initiatives and fostered cross-functional collaboration, leading to an exceptional   business opportunities in paddy farm mechanization”. He did his primary research in TG, AP & KN   Cell of Women’s Christian College, the President of the Entrepreneurship Cell of Women’s   of IIM Visakhapatnam. She successfully organised the annual cultural fest of
 93% reduction in breaks.  states and conducted In-Depth Interviews for 80+ candidates including paddy farmers and rental   Christian College, and Professional Services Avenue Director of Rotaract Club of Women’s   institute - Samaarambh.
   Š She is currently the senior coordinator of ANK - IT and Analytics Club and in the past as junior   community during his 2-month internship period.  Christian College. This made her be active as a POR holder during her Under-Graduation.
 coordinator she has successfully carried out VRIDDHI - the annual business conclave. Organised     Š He secured a Top 10 ranking for Applied Finance Statement Analysis in the Finshiksha Learning     Š She  has  interned  at  several  B2B  and  B2C  firms  as  a  Designer,  Content  Writer,  User-    Š She was a member of IEI-ACE ( The institute of Engineers India - Association
 various competitions, workshops, and guest lectures with eminent personalities from the industry.  Championship 2022 among students from 60-70 B schools across India.    Experience Research and course material designer.  of Computer Engineers) during her undergraduation. She was recognised for
   Š She along with her co-authors, has published a paper on ‘AI Based Solutions for ADAS” in the     Š He published a research paper entitled” Process Parameters Optimization on Friction Stir     Š She has actively been involved in case competition participations in the areas of Human   successfully organising and coordinating workshops for her institute.
 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2022}, during   Welding of Polycarbonate and AA6061”. He demonstrated it at an international conference i.e.,   Resources,  Marketing and Product Management areas.  She has stood as winner and     Š She received first class with distinction for her B.E. in computer science from
 25-27, May 2022 at Madurai, India  ICMMSE-2019.  national finalist in several competitions.  Savitribai Phule Pune University.
 Akhil Narwal  Shubham Solanki
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Computer Science and   UG Specialisation : Oil Technology
 Engineering   Work Experience in months : 0
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : N/A
 Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : Integrace Health Pvt
 Summer Internship : Reliance Retail  Ltd

   Š Akhil has interned with Reliance Digital as Social Media Marketing Intern wherein he     Š Shubham was the training & Placement representative of Oil Technology branch
 conducted market research, worked on developing briefs and brand analysis. He has   during graduation and worked with various company representatives.
 worked on research project to map the buying journey of a customer across different
 demographics.    Š He was jnr. coordinator of Manthan – The HR Club and has successfully
   Š He has worked as Business Development Associate at LaughGuru where he helped   organized Hridaya 7.0 – Annual HR flagship event of IIMV, guest lectures, HR Case
 in boosting growth and sales, develop winning strategies by analyzing the market,   competitions and managed 100+ participants from IIMs and other B-Schools.
 identifying sale opportunities and potential business clients, generating leads online as
 well as offline, and build client relationships.    Š He has successfully completed his summer Internship with Integrace Health Pvt
   Š He has completed Industrial Training from National Informatics Center under the role of   Ltd
 Quality Engineer.
 Vivek Aditya Bilung  Dipak Tiwari
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Computer Science and   UG Specialisation : Computer Science
 Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA
 Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : Integrace Health
 Summer Internship : FitnessTalks India  Pvt. Ltd.

   Š Vivek has done his internship with a B2C fitness startup called FitnessTalks India where his role     Š Dipak Tiwari secured 7/375 position in DATALYTICS - the 1st Annual Analytics Fest
 was to perform the optimisation of lead generation process by carrying out detailed audit of   of IIM Calcutta
 website and conducting several analysis to improve the website performance & PageRank for
 seamless viewing experience for the users and visibility on search engines.    Š He has been awarded with Post Gradauation certificate in Data toolkit course by
   Š He is currently the Senior Coordinator of Zorba, the Activities & eSports club of IIM   IIT B in collaboration with Upgrad
 Visakhapatnam. His roles are to conduct unique engaging events which aligns to the interest of the     Š He is the Cultural Secretary (1/272) of IIM Visakhapatnam. All the cultural activities
 batch and caters to the eSports division of IIM Visakhapatnam.  ranging from festival celebration to annual cultural festival of IIM Visakhapatnam
   Š He has also completed certification on Product Management where his performance and conduct   comes under his authority.
 was found to be satisfactory gaining a letter of recommendation.
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