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82 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 83
 82 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
                                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam | 83

 Sneha Xess  Vanshika Saini  Sumeet Kumar Meena                              Shashwati Shende

 UG  Degree : BBA  UG  Degree : B.Sc  UG  Degree : B.Tech                    UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Human Resource   UG Specialisation : Life Sciences  UG Specialisation : Electrical and   UG Specialisation : Electronics
 Management  Work Experience in months : 0  Electronics engineering          Work Experience in months : 0
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA  Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA
 Worked with : Null  Summer Internship : FitnessTalks   Worked with : NA     Summer Internship : Sarva Happiness
 Summer Internship : Cyboard Edtech   Summer Internship : Loop Health
 Private Limited
   Š Sneha was the HR club Representative in her Undergrads. Organized and     Š Vanshika was promoted to the role of Senior Coordinator at Vyuham - The Consulting Club. In her     Š Sumeet has interned with Loop Health, Ministry of Power, HPCL, Truexam and     Š Shashwati had Interned as a data analyst in a startup called Trainity
 executed a diverse range of events and activities to promote networking,   previous position as a junior coordinator,  she effectively coordinated the planning and execution   Opsis project; He worked on the Dibang Valley project and Turial project.    Š She holds a KPMG lean Six-Sigma Certification Green belt
 of Vriddhi 4.0, the annual business conclave. Additionally, she was responsible for organizing a
 professional development, and knowledge sharing within the HR community.  range of inter and intra-level competitions and inviting distinguished industry experts to deliver     Š He led a food drive for 1.5K+ migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and
   Š She has also held the position of Vice President of the cultural club in her   guest lectures.  received an appreciation letter from MLA.    Š She is the Vice-Chairperson of IEEE Council (2018-2019)
 Undergrads.    Š During her summer internship, she worked as a Management intern at FitnessTalks India, where     Š He was a part of the Mount Cricket Club (New Delhi) Cricket Team affiliated to
   Š She was also the 2nd runner up, 400m racing in sports meet, college level 2019.  her responsibilities included offering consultation to the company and proposing strategies to   the Delhi & District Cricket Association for 18 months, and He represented Jaipur
             Region U-19 Football team at Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan State level Sports
 enhance their business operations.
   Š She received a merit-based scholarship from Delhi University in 2021 during her under graduation,   meet.
 in recognition of her outstanding academic performance.
 Sumedha Singh  Kalpesh Harichandra Gaude  Aniruddha Eknath Sherkar          Aman Liladhar Nawghare
 UG  Degree : B.Sc  UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.E.                     UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Electronic Science  UG Specialisation : Electrical and Electronics   UG Specialisation : Mechanical  UG Specialisation : Information Technology
 Work Experience in months : 0  Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0   Work Experience in months : 0
 Worked with : NA  Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA           Worked with : NA
 Summer Internship : OrthoFX  Worked with : 0  Summer Internship : ā hub     Summer Internship : Jobizo
 Summer Internship : Hindustan Shipyard

   Š Sumedha is currently selected as Senior Coordinator of Hostel & Mess     Š Kalpesh is a certified analyst and mutual fund distributor under SEBI regulations, 2007. He has     Š Aniruddha has successfully attained certification in NISM VA.    Š Aman was awarded with Appreciation Letter for his work in Business
 Committee for the year 2023-24.   acquired a strong understanding of Equity, Debt, valuation, investment risks, and risk mitigation.     Š He was a finalist in the ideation competition hosted by Virtusa.  Development in Summer Internship.
 Additionally, he holds a license from the Association of Mutual Fund in India (AMFI) as a PAN India
   Š She was the Junior Coordinator of Hostel & Mess Committee for the year 2022-  advisor and marketer for regular mutual funds.     Š In addition to possessing a solid foundation in MINITAB, he demonstrates     Š He built the base for Bangalore Launch in Summer Internship by generating
 23. She had handled the complains regarding hostel and mess for the batch     Š He completed the course “R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises!” and   expertise in advanced Excel techniques.  1000+ raw hospital data, holding 200+ clients calls and fixed 30+ meetings
 size of 250+ students.  gained expertise in programming using R and R Studio. He acquired skills in data analytics, data   weekly.
 science, statistical analysis, and using packages and functions.
   Š She was the winner member of Team Hustlers of 9 to 5 quiz competition     Š He, under NSS, co-organized a cleanliness drive, coordinated a fire safety program, and co-    Š He handled one new client by himself and was able to sign him up on the
 conducted by The HR Club of IMI Delhi   organized a blood donation camp, showing his commitment to promoting cleanliness, safety, and   platform.
 social causes.
 Bandi Sai Sruthi  Vishal Manikchand Lodha  Ishan Chandra                    Cheruvullil Sruthi Gokulanadhan
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Tech                 UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Computer Science and   UG Specialisation : Computer Engineering  UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering  UG Specialisation : Electronics and
 Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0   Communications
 Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA  Worked with : NA           Work Experience in months : 0
 Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : Nirmal Industrial   Summer Internship : TalentServe  Worked with : NA
 Summer Internship : Kalolwala &   Controls, PVT. LTD                        Summer Internship : ABSYZ
   Š Sruthi completed significant primary and secondary research for strategic annual report content     Š Vishal interned at Nirmal Industrial Controls for two months as an IT Project intern, where he was     Š Ishan co-authored a research paper on the topic “Role of Chatbots Affecting Customer Experiences     Š Sruthi acted as the Editor-in-chief of DDU Connect, her university’s official club, where she
 as a Kalolwala & Associates research analyst intern. She worked with over 30 firms throughout her   responsible for bringing digital transformation by implementing SAP/CRM. He was responsible for   in Financial Services”. This study contributes to the literature related to chatbot usage intention.   functioned as a liaison between the administration and students. Her role encompassed
 internship. Achieved 95% approval from her managers, indicating her exceptional performance.   automating the workflow and streamlining the Document Management System (DMS) process. As   The finding of the study will help the marketer to better understand customer behavior toward   interviewing notable individuals, onboarding new members, and supervising a team of 65 while
 Her quality, research, hard work improved the organization.  part of his internship, he has played a vital role in data migration and file-sharing access projects   chatbot usage intention.  coordinating technical and non-technical events
   Š The Kirloskar Institute of Management and Kirloskar firm funded her national finalist in KIRIT 3.0.   to ensure document privacy in the organization.    Š She is the senior coordinator for the Alumni Committee of IIM Visakhapatanam and is responsible
 They used AI to provide a cutting-edge solution for unbiased credit underwriting, demonstrating     Š He has published a research paper entitled “Skin cancer detection using Image Processing and     Š He has secured a certificate of participation in “Build a Burj “event at Reconnaissance Techfest   for maintaining healthy relation with the alums. She also worked as the junior coordinator of the
 innovation and problem-solving.  Deep Learning” in IJASRET, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2021.  organised by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) held between April 5–7, 2019.  Alumni Committee.
   Š She was national finalist Nation of Innovation, by MDI Gurgaon. Her team replicated a large firm     Š He has been a Divisional Level Volleyball player and has received the best player award at the     Š He was awarded a certificate of recommendation for organizing the 2019 orientation event on the
 buying a startup in real time. The MNC valued the startup and offered a good deal. This result   district level. Also, he was the 2nd runner-up in CHECKMATE 2022, held at IIM Visakhapatnam.  causes of the road collapse.    Š As a business analyst intern at Absyz, a software consulting firm, she undertook in-depth research
 demonstrates her strategic thinking and company valuation skills.  on the MENA region’s real estate sector, discovered procedural gaps, and proposed tailored
                                                              Salesforce CRM solutions.
 Anushka Keshav  Vikash Kumar  Guna Avinash                                  Stithi Aggarwal
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Sc  UG  Degree : B.Tech                 UG  Degree : B.Com
 UG Specialisation : CIVIL ENGINEERING  UG Specialisation : Chemistry  UG Specialisation : Electronics and   UG Specialisation : NA
 Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Communication Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0
 Worked with : NA  Worked with : NA  Work Experience in months : 0           Worked with : NA
 Summer Internship : JUSTDIAL  Summer Internship : Hindustan Shipyard   Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : JOBIZO
 Limited                    Summer Internship : SBI Capital Markets

   Š Anushka has interned as a project manager intern in Strategy with Justdial. During     Š Vikash has interned in IT Department at Hindustan Shipyard Limited(HSL).     Š Avinash has interned with SBI Capital Markets on the project titled “FGD -     Š Stithi is the senior co-ordinator of Sunrise Investment Fund Club of IIMV. She is
 her tenure, she worked with Social Media Marketing Team, SEO team, Performance   His major responsibility were to devise a framework for digitization of legacy   Implementation and Implications”. He has done a thorough research on different   responsible for the club’s overall activities, initiatives and budget.
 analysis team, and Online reputation management team to understand the brand
 Justdial and plan the next steps for the company’s social media communication   documents at HSL & conduct market research and recommend the latest digital   technologies available in the market and assessed their benefits and costs.    Š She interned with JOBZIO under the strategy department and was responsible to
 strategy.  transformation steps that HSL can adopt.    Š He has done a certification course on “Accounting Fundamentals” from CFI  gives ideas for company’s growth and development across verticals.
   Š She was the Vice-President of the I.E.Civil Club, where she worked as an event head     Š He has Lean Six Sigma green belt and is a certified Business Analyst.
 for multiple events for the tenure of 2018-2019 and was part of the Editing team for     Š He has done a course on “Applied Financial Statement Analysis” conducted by     Š She bagged 3rd rank in finance and investment Olympiad among 400+ registered
 the Civil Department’s official newsletter Civil Comet 6.0.    Š He was the second runner up at ANK GANIT 2.0 conducted by IIM Visakhapatnam.  Finshiksha and secured A grade.   teams. Also bagged 20th rank in strategy consulting Olympiad among top
   Š She was CBSE class 12th school topper in Biology for the academic year 2016-2017 at   B-schools.
 St. Joseph’s School.
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