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84 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 85
 84 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
                                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam | 85

 Rishita Dalal  Pinky Kumari Mahato  Shruti Sonawane                         Mousumi

 UG  Degree : B.Sc  UG  Degree : BBA  UG  Degree : B.Tech                    UG  Degree : B.Com
 UG Specialisation : Physical science  UG Specialisation : Financial Management  UG Specialisation : Computer Science  UG Specialisation : Accounts
 Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0
 Worked with : NIL  Worked with : NA  Worked with : -                        Worked with : NA
 Summer Internship : Kalolwala and   Summer Internship : a-hub  Summer Internship : Integrace Health  Summer Internship : Central Coalfields
 Associates Private Limited                                                  Limited, Ranchi

   Š Rishita has worked as a Research Analyst with Kalolwala and Associates where her role was to     Š Pinky was one of the top 5 finalists in case competition organized by DMS, IIT     Š Shruti has interned with Integrace Health as a Summer Intern and worked on building     Š Mousumi interned with Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), did project on National Coal Wage
 conduct primary and secondary research, analyse data, and draft strategic content for Annual   Delhi Parivartan’23.  Pharmaceutical Sales Strategy to Increase the Productivity of Low Yield Per Month Territories in   Agreement, to know the case proceedings and its comment to be sent in compliance with
 Reports, Integrated Reports, Sustainability Reports, ESG Reports, and other communication   India.  company’s rule, making brief summary of court cases and service matter, surveyed 100 employees
 collaterals for leading companies in the country.    Š She secured University Rank 1 and was awarded with the gold medal for achieving     Š She is a national-level debater and an eloquent orator. She has secured the First position in   to know their attitude level towards NCWA and satisfaction level with the current wage agreement.
   Š She has worked as a junior coordinator in the Entrepreneurial passion and innovation club which   1st rank position in the North Eastern Hill University, NEHU by scoring the highest   national & state debate competitions and has also been entitled as ‘Best Speaker’ in a National     Š She did a live project with Digital Brain Media, where she researched about the viability of out of
             level debate competition.
 aims at developing entrepreneurial culture and ecosystem in the institute.   marks in all the subjects for the entire graduation period.     Š She has held positions of responsibility such as Head of Anchoring committee, Head of Guest   house media, helped them in the testing their app and also awarded as best performer.
   Š She was the runner up for IIFT Delhi national level case competition and she won the mark week-     Š She was the scholarship winner awarded by London School of Economics and   Management & Public Relations committee and Member - Board of Director for Rotary and     Š She has completed certification course on Data Analytics with SPSS on UDEMY, learned the basics
 meme your way competition organized by marketing club of IIM Visakhapatnam.  Political Science, London in 2016.  Rotaract Clubs respectively during which she was entitled with ‘Best Organizer’, ‘Best Project   of SPSS software, including how to enter code values, run analyses, and interpret output.
             Chairman’ and ‘Best Team Leader’ award in the tenure.
 Digvijay Singh  Pratibha Malviya  Kiran Banoth                              Bipin Kevin Tete

 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech               UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Electronics and   UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Metallurgical & Materials
 Work Experience in months : 0  Instrumentation Engineering  Work Experience in months : 0  Engineering
 Worked with : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Worked with : NA            Work Experience in months : 0
 Summer Internship : ā hub   Worked with : NA  Summer Internship : Rasapoorna Foods   Worked with : 0
 Summer Internship : Loop   Pvt Ltd                                          Summer Internship : Urban Naps

   Š Digvijay interned at ā hub (university incubator) as a strategy intern. He developed a robust business     Š Pratibha interned with Loop Health, a B2B health-tech insurance broker. She was responsible for creating a pipeline     Š Kiran participated in various B-school competitions, showcasing his skills     Š Bipin did his summer internship in a startup called Urban Naps where his
 plan and strategy for a premium retail store, addressing challenges rural entrepreneurs and   of potential candidates by sourcing and screening them from different job portals sites like LinkedIn and Naukri and   and expertise. He emerged as a national finalist in the Operation Case Study   project involved market research, database generation & email marketing.
 consumers face. Conducted primary research, interviewed 30+ entrepreneurs, and mapped their   scheduling interviews for different roles like SDMs and SDRs with required filters for the locations Pune, Mumbai, and   competition conducted by IIM Visakhapatnam. Additionally, he achieved 4th place
 problems to create innovative solutions—projected annual revenue of 4+ crores with 7% CAGR.  Bengaluru.  in the National Quiz competition conducted by Unstop in 2022.    Š He was a Junior Coordinator of the Dance & Dramatics club in IIM
   Š He completed live project at Finalatics. Researched electric automobile industry, identified growth     Š She was the National finalist of the Get Set Innovate- Entrepreneur Case Study competition conducted during Avenues     Š He has successfully completed certified business analyst and equity market   Visakhapatnam where he coordinated online & offline competitions,
 prospects, and applied insights in real-time stock market simulator.  2022, the annual business festival of IIT-B.  analyst programs which were conducted by Finlatics.  flashmob and created promotional videos in the campus.
   Š He successfully participated in L’Oréal Brandstorm,2023, advancing to the pre-jury level. Presented     Š She interned with Vardhan Consulting Engineers. She compared electric vehicles to fuel-consuming ones, investigated EV     Š He also did a live project with LaughGuru as Digital Marketing Associate for
 challenges, affordability, and marketing, understood the Indian market, EV technicality, working principle, operations, types,
 an innovative concept for a Smart Perfume Dispenser, demonstrating technical and financial viability   and other specifications, and cost-economic aspects, and helped analyse future EV market possibilities.    Š He was the organizer of Srijan, The Annual Socio-Cultural Fest of IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
 of the idea.  2019. He has successfully planned and organised 5 events.  one month.
 Khushanshu Prasad  Prakash Anand  Harshal Sao                               Naveen Kumar S
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Com  UG  Degree : B.E.                  UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Industrial & Production  UG Specialisation : Finance  UG Specialisation : Major - Electronics and   UG Specialisation : Electrical and Electronics
 Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Telecommunication Engineering ; Minor -   Engineering
                            Electrical Engineering
 Worked with : 0  Worked with : NA  Work Experience in months : 0            Work Experience in months : 0
 Summer Internship :  Summer Internship : UrbanNaps          Worked with : N/A
                            Worked with : NA                                 Summer Internship : MAX Fashions,
                            Summer Internship : FitnessTalks India           Landmark Group
   Š Khushanshu was the National Finalist in a SCM case competition “Modus     Š Prakash has interned with UrbanNaps as an investment intern wherein he directly     Š Harshal is a senior coordinator of Pixel the Photography Club, leading a team of junior     Š Naveen’s remarkable academic vigour has earned him merit scholarships for outstanding
 Operandi By ISCEA” which was held by IIT Kharagpur.  worked with the chief investment and growth officer. He worked on database of   coordinators, he oversees campus events digital coverage, collaborating with other college clubs.   performance in his first, second and third years of his under-graduation.
             He maintains a digital repository of events and manages the club’s Instagram page and activities.
   Š He has earned the NISM Series V-A Certificate, demonstrating his proficiency in   potential investors, investors pitch deck presentation and emailer to investors for     Š During his summer internship at MAX Fashions, Landmark Group, he utilised his data analytics
 raising funds.
                                                               skills as a Marketing Analyst. He conducted comprehensive assessments of consumer behaviour
 mutual funds distribution. Additionally, he holds certifications as Six Sigma Black     Š He has successfully cleared NISM Series V-A: Mutual fund distributors certification     Š During his internship at Fitnesstalks India, he worked to analyse the problems faced by the online   within a consumer segment (General Trade Shopper) and provided data-driven insights and
             fitness industry and the firm, then proposed solutions to eliminate / minimise the problems by
 Belt and Aircraft Design offered by IITs.  examination.  performing comprehensive financial analysis of the firm including sales operations, financial   recommendations to optimise MAX’s market penetration. His analytical expertise enhanced the
                                                               company’s understanding of consumer preferences and contributed to data-informed decision-
   Š He was a Jr. Placement Representative (20/272) at IIM-Visakhapatnam. He was     Š He was awarded Charter Financial Analyst scholarship of $900 from Indian   statements and created a comprehensive handbook outlining strategic approaches.  making processes.
 responsible for conducting and coordinating placement related activities of 500+   Institute of Management Visakhapatnam and CFA Institute on merit basis in the     Š He participated in various B-school competitions, showcasing his skills and expertise. He emerged     Š He was part of the editorial team for the Digital Newsletter of SSN College of Engineering, where
                                                               he demonstrated exceptional skills in curating compelling content, spearheading the acquisition of
 MBA candidates of the institute.  year 2022.  as a national finalist in the Operation Case Study competition conducted by IIM Visakhapatnam.  tech articles, and meticulously proofreading and approving submissions.
 Angela Thresia Anil  Ankit Baxla  Meet Parmar                               Naveen Ka
 UG  Degree : B.A.  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.                   UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Economics  UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering   UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Mechanical
 Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0  Work Experience in months : 0
 Worked with : NA  Worked with : NA  Worked with : N/A                       Worked with : NIL
 Summer Internship : LetsEndorse   Summer Internship : Soulflower India  Summer Internship : Heritage Foods Ltd.  Summer Internship : Rasapoorna Foods
 Development Private Limited                                                 Pvt Ltd
   Š Angela had completed her summer internship in LetsEndorse Development Private Limited as a     Š Ankit worked as E-com Catalog Specialist, was responsible for gathering and structuring accurate     Š Meet has done his internship at Heritage Foods Ltd in the marketing domain.    Š Naveen has completed his Summer Internship at Rasapoorna Foods Private
 marketing intern where she drafted B2B strategies for the rural tourism project and conducted   and up-to-date product information, including titles, descriptions, attributes, and images, to     Š He has managed his family business and handled day-to-day operations,   Limited, where he performed competitor analysis, KPI metric for sales
 an in-depth examination and comparative analysis of tourism companies based on marketing   ensure consistency and clarity across the online catalog. He worked on enhancing product listings   workforce, and sales in Parmar Wooden Works.  department, and Secondary market research
 concepts, third-party integrations and USPs.  quality and visual appeal by editing images, A+contents, writing compelling descriptions, and
 optimizing keywords to improve search engine visibility and increase sales conversions.    Š He was the Junior Coordinator in the Media & PR Cell of IIM Visakhapatnam.    Š He was a Finalist (8/423 teams) in a national-level case study competition-
   Š She analyzed and benchmarked 30+ companies belonging to a niche industry across Bangalore to     Š He has undergone Vocational Training Program at Tata Steel limited Jamshedpur and studied   “Markoid” which was conducted by IIM Lucknow . He presented product
 comprehend the operations and identify the top products.  Castor Mold System and Department connected under Steel Making Mechanical Maintenance  repositioning and marketing strategies for Maggi Atta Noodles
   Š She has successfully completed  training on Equity Research & Financial Modeling organized by the     Š He has improved the business development process of the company. Moreover, he also benefitted     Š He is a cricket players who has represented for his School and Kanchipuram
 Finance Club, Vega of IIM Visakhapatnam.  the company in  improving promotions and market growth through Mozo Hunt.  District Cricket Association for U-14, U-19 category
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