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        of  enablers  of  resilience  in  FSCs  during  COVID-19  outbreak.  It

        is  significant  to  determine  preference  of  enablers  and  rank  of
        importance to take actions effectively. Depending on the results, the
        rank orders of the enablers are classified as readiness, collaboration
        with stakeholders, IT alignment, risk aware, responsiveness, flexibility,
        appearance and sustainability, respectively. Suggested implications
        can  be  provided  benefits  for  policymakers  and  managers  in  FSCs.
        Click here for the paper.

        Investigating the barriers towards adoption and
        implementation of open innovation in healthcare

        Pooja Kumari, Amit Shankar, Behl A., Pereira V., Yahiaoui D.,
        Laker B., Gupta B.B., Arya V.
        Published in the Technological Forecasting and Social Change  (ABDC-A)

        Open innovation, characterized by collaborative approaches

        and  knowledge-sharing  across  organizational  boundaries,  holds
        great promise for transforming healthcare practices. However, the
        complexities of the healthcare landscape introduce unique challenges
        that impede the widespread adoption of open innovation initiatives
        and warrant an enquiry into barriers associated with one of the open
        innovation initiatives, i.e. digital clinic. Hence, this study investigates
        medical professionals’ resistance towards digital clinics in emerging
        markets. Using innovation resistance theory (IRT) as underpinning
        theory,  the  study  investigates  the  effects  of  performance  barriers,

        value  barriers,  risk  barriers,  legal  barriers,  tradition  barriers,  and
        image barriers. This study also examined how the effects of barriers
        on inertia vary at different levels of medical professionals’ personal
        innovativeness. The structural equation modelling and Process Macro
        are used to analyze the collected data. The findings indicate that value
        barriers, risk barriers, legal barriers, and tradition barriers play crucial
        roles in framing resistance intention towards digital clinics. The study

        uniquely enriches the emerging literature related to digital clinics by
        investigating the role of different barriers and inertia in digital clinic
        adoption. The study helps hospitals understand different barriers
        towards digital clinic adoption intention. Click here for the paper.

        29 VOL.5/ ISSUE 2, JAN-APRIL 2024
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