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IIM Visakhapatnam
            Summer Placement Brochure 2023-25

 Rathika R  Ajinkya Dattatraya Kolhe  Neha Bharti                                  Shreya Singh
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.   UG  Degree : B.Sc. (Hons.)               UG  Degree : BBA
 UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering  UG Specialisation : Computer    UG Specialisation : Physics  UG Specialisation : Information
 Work Experience in months : 7  Science & Engineering   Work Experience in months : 2  Technology
 Worked with : Federal Bank  Work Experience in months : 7  Worked with : Strategic Learning Solutions   Work Experience in months : N/A
 Worked with : Persistent Systems Ltd.  Pvt. Ltd.                                  Worked with : N/A

   »  Rathika was department topper in Btech Civil engineering department for the academic session 2018-1022    »  Ajinkya served as the Vice President of the NGO Bharat Wikas Prabodhini Youth (BWPY) from 2020 to 2021.    »  Neha  has  been  selected  as  one  of  the  top  23  Junior  Placement  Representatives  at  Indian  Institute  of     »  Shreya has completed a 4-month internship program at Cast India as a Copywriter, where she was responsible
   »  She served as the Vice chairperson of my college and have conducted various events such as technical fest,     »  He secured First position in National event CPP-WAR 2021 organized by ACES, KBTCOE.  Management, Visakhapatnam, out of a batch of 344 students. She is responsible for generating corporate leads,   for the content creation and assisting marketing campaigns.
 arts and cultural day, freshers day.    »  He secured First position in Coder’s Hunt Inter college competition organized by Sapat College of Engineering   maintain corporate relations and expanding corporate network.    »  She also volunteered as a Human Resource Head in an NGO, NayePankh,  where she reviewed resumes to
   »  She worked as an Associate in Federal bank, having Actively participated in selling 315 banking products as well   in 2020    »  She  served  as  the  Vice  President  of  Kitabwala,  a  student-run  library  initiative  dedicated  to  providing  free   identify employment candidates and conducted preliminary applicant interviews.
 as third party products to achieve monthly branch targets and also was consistently ranked as the top performer   course materials and books to students in need. In this role, she supervised a team of 20 members, successfully     »  She has completed Samsung certification course on Design Thinking, focusing on leveraging technology to
 in selling third party products among Aluva regional branches for 7 consecutive months.  executing plans and strategies to ensure the library’s smooth operation.  address social isolation and enhance empathy for vulnerable communities.
                »  Her outstanding  performance in academics  and extracurricular  activities  earned her the  All  Rounder  Award.
               Driven by her passion for societal welfare, she also took initiatives to teach underprivileged students for free.

 Shruti Joshi  Yashika Grover    Rahul Lugun                                       Ritu Rahul Patil
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Com (Hons.)  UG  Degree : B.Sc. (Hons.)       UG  Degree : B.Sc. (Hons.)
 UG Specialisation : Production   UG Specialisation : Finance and   UG Specialisation : Computer    UG Specialisation : Agriculture
 Engineering   Accounting        Science                                           Work Experience in months : N/A
 Work Experience in months : 6  Work Experience in months : 6  Work Experience in months : N/A  Worked with : N/A
 Worked with : Capgemini  Worked with : HSBC  Worked with : N/A

   »  Shruti served as the Outreach head of Google Developer’s student clubs of her university chapter and Planning     »  Yashika  was  selected  for  the  prestigious  CFA  Young  Women  in  Investment  program,  a  highly  competitive     »  Rahul has completed a rock climbing course organized by the Jadavpur University Mountaineering & Hiking     »  Ritu was the Student Lead for Marketing and Sales of the PHT Department, wherein she increased profits by 40%
 & Ideation head of Literary Society during undergrad.  initiative designed to empower women in the finance industry. Her achievement highlights her potential and   Club, where he received a B grade.  through improved branding and packaging while reducing production costs by 15%.
   »  She received Certificate of Merit for being amongst top rankers of her department in B.Tech.   dedication to advancing in the field of finance.    »  He took part in a national-level photography contest called India Photo Fest in 2022, where his photos were     »  She has implemented an efficient application process for 30+ farmers seeking government subsidies during her
   »  She secured state rank 81 in National level Science Talent Search Examination conducted by Unified Council.    »  She  was  a  finalist  in  the  GSM  Deloitte  2020  competition,  showcasing  her  skills  and  knowledge  in  a  highly   nominated for display at ICCR, Kolkata.  academic internship RAWE, in collaboration with “Krishi Vigyan Kendra,” resulting in a 40% increase in funding
 competitive environment.    »  He ran a half marathon, completing it in 2 hours and 50 minutes.  acquisition.
   »  She has been awarded with the prestigious Sh. Sultan Chand Memorial Scholarship for academic excellence.    »  She was an active member of the student forum committee, serving as the program and guest lecture in-charge,
                                                                 and also assisted in overseeing library operations as the Student Library Representative.

 AR Themreithan Kevin Rumthao  Raj. P. Kakka  Manas Madhavkumar Tiwari             Vaibhav Kashyap
 UG  Degree : BBA  UG  Degree : BBA  UG  Degree : B.Com                            UG  Degree : B.A.
 UG Specialisation : N/A  UG Specialisation : Marketing  UG Specialisation : Finance &    UG Specialisation : N/A
 Work Experience in months : 5  Work Experience in months : 5  Accounting/ Financial accounting    Work Experience in months : N/A
 Worked with : FIS Global Business   Worked with : HDFC Bank  and auditing (special)  Worked with : N/A
 Solutions India Private Limited  Work Experience in months : N/A
                                 Worked with : N/A
   »  Kevin  was  actively  involved  in  the  Students  Club  “Minnova”  and  held  significant  positions  over  the  years,     »  Raj has worked for the position of RBB - Personal Banker in Retail Branch Banking as a Trainee for the role.    »  Manas has proudly achieved a Diploma in MS Office with a grade A and a Diploma in Advance Excel with an     »  Vaibhav,  appointed  as  Head  Boy  of  Sanmati  H.S.  School  during  the  2018-19  session,  led  the  student  bo
 indicating his leadership qualities and organizational skills. In his first year, Kevin took on the role of Joint Secretary,     »  He  has  successfully  completed  the  “NISM  Series  V-A:  Mutual  Fund  Distributors  Certification  Examination”  as   impressive grade A+ in 2023.  spearheading initiatives and coordinating activities that highlighted his exceptional leadership and organizational
 contributing to the club’s activities and gaining initial leadership experience.  required under the SEBI (Certification of Associated Persons in the Securities Markets) Regulations, 2007.    »  He is a sports enthusiast with a black belt in taekwondo, having won numerous interschool competitions. He   skills.
   »  He was promoted to Vice President, demonstrating the trust and recognition he earned from his peers and     »  He has interned as a digital marketer to drive growth and engagement at Miles Education for courses like CFA   was also featured in the Mumbai Mirror Newspaper for his exceptional performance in a school cricket match.    »  He  was  also  honoured  as  the  Best  Player  in  his  school  during  the  session  2018-19,  showcasing  exceptional
 faculty. This role involved greater responsibility, indicating his capability to lead and manage the club’s operations   and CMA.    »  He scored an impressive 99.6423097 percentile in the MAH-MBA CET exam in 2024.  athleticism and sportsmanship while leading his team with unwavering dedication and excellence.
 effectively.                                                    »  He was named Man of the Match in the Reliance Youth Sports Tournament during the 2018-19 session, delivering
   »  He along with other club members, participated in charitable activities under the “Hands of Hope” program.   a standout performance with remarkable skill and strategic play that secured victory for his team.
 They visited the Rilang Children Home and an Old Age Mercy Home, providing monetary help and donating
 essential items. This shows his empathy, social responsibility, and willingness to contribute to the welfare of the
 community.Kevin, along with other club members, participated in charitable activities under the “Hands of Hope”
 program. They visited the Rilang Children Home and an Old Age Mercy Home, providing monetary help and
 donating essential items. This shows his empathy, social responsibility, and willingness to contribute to the welfare
 of the community.
 Khushi Singharia  Gudimalla Abhishek  Tiyasa Barman                               Aryan Keshri
 UG  Degree : BMS  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Sc. (Hons.)                 UG  Degree : B.Com (Hons.)
 UG Specialisation : Marketing  UG Specialisation : Mechanical   UG Specialisation : ZOOLOGY  UG Specialisation : N/A
 Work Experience in months : 4  Engineering  Work Experience in months : N/A       Work Experience in months : N/A
 Worked with : Dabur India Limited  Work Experience in months : 4  Worked with : N/A  Worked with : N/A
 Worked with : Talentica Software pvt ltd.
   »  Khushi, Dedicated 2 months to create accessible general knowledge capsules for visually impaired students at     »  Abhishek successfully completed the course “Programming Foundations with Python” and received a verified     »  Tiyasa was awarded the Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship by the West Bengal State     »  Aryan has graduated from Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi and has worked with several
 RSVI. Recorded educational content to aid students in competitive exam preparation. Recognized for impactful   achievement certificate.  Government for her excellent academic results. She consistently stood 2nd throughout the 3 years of her   societies which include Vittshala, Economic Society and the Computer and Mathematics society of SRCC.
 contribution, fostering positive change in society through dedication to visually impaired students’ education.    »  He successfully completed the course “Build Your Own Responsive Website,” covering technologies such as   BSc Zoology Honours course in undergraduate studies.    »  He has got the best performer award and was promoted to the role of Team Leader while working as a sales and
   »  She was awarded certificate for exemplary academic performance, showcasing dedication and achievement.   Bootstrap and Flexbox, and received a Certificate of Achievement.    »  She worked with an NGO as an intern where she was awarded the Change Maker award for her diligent   marketing intern in IFORTIS WORLDWIDE and also received a certificate of appreciation.
 Recognized for encouraging future career aspirations and fostering a commitment to personal development.     »  He participated in the Edu Heal Foundation’s Interactive Olympiads. He was awarded with certificate for his   efforts. She handled the community development profile, implementing strategic initiatives to address     »  He also secured a PPO for Summer Internship from Dr Reddy’s after becoming the National Finalist for Dr Reddy’s
 Acknowledged for excellence in academics, demonstrating a brilliant mind and potential for future success.  distinctive performance in this olympiad, with reference number NIMO 11483100207, achieving a national rank of   community needs, resulting in improved support services. She increased awareness and donor support   Case Competition.
   »  She has Spearheaded strategic initiatives as Vice President of EcoClub SSCBS, championing sustainability efforts   5, a state rank of 2, and a school rank of 1.  by 25% through strategic content creation and targeted campaigns, and successfully organized and led
 that  garnered  widespread  recognition  and  support.  Orchestrated  impactful  environmental  campaigns  and   outreach programs, increasing engagement by 30%.
 projects, resulting in measurable improvements in campus sustainability practices. Fostered a culture of eco-
 consciousness among students through innovative events and workshops, driving meaningful engagement and     »  She has served as President of the Zoology Society (2021-2023) at Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri,
 community involvement.  where  she  led  a  team  of  15  members  in  organizing  seminars,  workshops,  and  field  trips.  She  also
               coordinated with guest speakers, managed event budgets, and facilitated alumni interactions.
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