Page 84 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-2023-25
P. 84
IIM Visakhapatnam
Summer Placement Brochure 2023-25
Himanshu Rohit Kumar
UG Degree : BMS UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Finance & UG Specialisation : Computer
Accounting Science & Engineering
Work Experience in months : 13 Work Experience in months : 13
Worked with : Estates Landbase Pvt. Ltd. Worked with : Samsung Research and
Development Institute, Delhi
» Himanshu managed a Team and was able to close multiple deals as Business Development Associate during his » Rohit, during his work experience in Samsung, he worked on an idea for one of their product i.e. washing machine.
tenure at ESTATEX LANDBASE Pvt. Ltd. » He secured 1st position and won 2 gold medals in swimming in regional level. Further, he was selected for
» He completed the QUIKR MARKET RESEARCH - Live Project and was rewarded with 5 KSA ranking for showcasing national level.
champion level performance. » He was selected for regional level in cricket when he was in 11th class.
» He worked as a Freelancer with CHEGG INDIA Pvt. Ltd. as an SME where he provided solutions to various Logical
and Analytical problems of Advanced Maths and Other Maths.
Roma Sinha Priyanka Kapoor
UG Degree : BBA UG Degree : B.A.
UG Specialisation : Marketing UG Specialisation : Mathematics
Work Experience in months : 13 and Economics
Worked with : Cypher Media Solutions Work Experience in months : 13
Worked with : Z1 Tech Formerly known as
Z1 Media
» Roma was awarded a scholarship throughout the undergraduate program in BBA (Marketing) for maintaining » Priyanka, during her second year of graduation, embarked on her leadership journey by taking on the role of
outstanding academic performance. class representative. This experience provided her with valuable insights into stakeholder management and
» She coordinated in organising of a National Level Case Analysis Competition named ‘VIVACHANA’. significantly enhanced her ability to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and coordinate academic
» She was responsible for researching and collecting data for the research paper “Livelihood Promotion activities.
through Rural Tourism at Dharampur Village, Silli Block, Ranchi District.” Prepared by the Council for Sustained » She was part of her college filmmaking society as a member of the cinematography department. She worked on
Empowerment by Relief Vision and Empathy for the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development numerous projects, enhancing her cinematography and event management skills.
(NABARD) » She received the Employee of the Month award within her first three months at Z1 Tech for her outstanding
performance in global hiring. She significantly streamlined the hiring process, enhancing the experience for both
candidates and the company.
Sudhanshu Kumar Ansaf S
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Electrical & UG Specialisation : Mechanical
Electronics Engineering Engineering
Work Experience in months : 13 Work Experience in months : 12
Worked with : Cognizant Worked with : South Indian Bank
» Sudhanshu has successfully finished a comprehensive course on SQL, where he learned the fundamentals of » Ansaf was elected as Secretary of Art Club in college union for academic year 2022-23, where he organized Arts
structured query language, including writing queries, managing databases, and analyzing data. Festival after 8 years, a 4 day event with a footfall of 5000 people and 40+ cultural events.
» He has completed a course on API technical writing, specializing in JSON and XML formats. This course equipped » He secured the second position in Tractor Designing Competition for best design approach, conducted by
him with the skills to create clear and comprehensive documentation for APIs, ensuring that developers can SAE India.
effectively understand and utilize these data formats. » He has also completed NPTEL online certification in Manufacturing Automation by IIT Kanpur.
» Sudhanshu’s manuscript has been published as open access in the journal Sustainability. The title of the
manuscript is “Phase Shift-Controlled Dual-Frequency Multi-Load Converter with Independent Power Control
for Induction Cooking Applications.”
Aritra Mandal Palak Srivastava
UG Degree : B.Com (Hons.) UG Degree : B.A.
UG Specialisation : Finance & UG Specialisation : Economics,
Accounting Geography and History
Work Experience in months : 12 Work Experience in months : 12
Worked with : EIH Ltd - The Oberoi Grand Worked with :
» Aritra is a Certified Financial Modelling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA)® from the Corporate Finance Institute. » Palak has successfully completed a Proficiency course in French from Isabella Thoburn College during her UG
This qualification attests to his advanced skills in financial modelling and valuation analysis, equipping him to Degree.
significantly contribute to the financial success and strategic direction of any organization. » She has worked as an Associate Director and Cowriter in Pocket Films short film “PAPER”.
» He has 12 months of work experience, demonstrating hands-on expertise in Advanced Excel and SAP. » She has conducted 19 Social Service drives as a Drive Representative of Robin Hood Army.
Additionally, he has earned multiple certifications, including Power BI and Data Analysis.
» He was awarded ‘Employee of the Month’ twice during the peak season at The Oberoi Grand, in recognition
of his exceptional performance, unwavering dedication, and significant contributions to the team’s success.