Page 74 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-2023-25
P. 74
IIM Visakhapatnam
Summer Placement Brochure 2023-25
Nikshubha Singh Parijat Sanjay Yeole
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : Electronics and UG Specialisation : Mechanical
Communication Engineering Engineering
Work Experience in months : 20 Work Experience in months : 20
Worked with : Accenture Worked with : NeuCode Talent Academy
» Nikshubha mastered SAP BI/BW concepts and effectively used tools like Analysis for Excel, SAP Logon, and Hana » Parijat has received multiple special recognitions from the Managing Director of NeuCode Talent for exceptional
Studio. She maintained a troubleshooting manual, provided client solutions, and facilitated knowledge transfer performance and consistently demonstrating dedication, excellence, and the ability to exceed expectations,
for new team members. Nikshubha also ensured smooth onboarding, enhanced team capabilities, and managed significantly contributing to organizational success.
daily data tracking and reconciliation across Europe, North America, the Middle East, and North Africa. » He was elected as the Sports Secretary and was also recognized as the Best Coordinator of Sports Events at
» She interned at CSIO-CSIR, Chandigarh, working on the Cockpit Display System of the Sukhoi Su-30. This his engineering institute.
defense project of national importance was under the Imaging, Avionics, and Display Systems (IADS) department. » He and his school team achieved a remarkable feat by securing bronze, silver, and gold medals in three
» She completed a 5-week industrial training at the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research consecutive Inter-School State Badminton Championships.
(NITTTR), Chandigarh, focused on application development using Java programming.
Ipsita Priyadarshini Pratik Dilip Chothale
UG Degree : B.Pharma UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Pharmacy UG Specialisation : Electronics
Work Experience in months : 20 &Telecommu. Engineering
Worked with : Biocon Biologics Work Experience in months : 20
Worked with : Cognizant Technology
Solutions Ltd.
» Ipsita has qualified the Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude test (GPAT), a National level Entrance Examination » Pratik has worked as a Jr. Software Engineer at Cognizant, where he managed client requirements on the
conducted by NTA, with a score of 103. production server and received an award for Certified Java Core Cluster Skills under ADM RBP.
» She has also received certification of excellence for e-poster presentation at the 11th National IPA Student’s » He has published a research paper in the International Journal of Health Sciences titled “Centrally Controlled
Congress in 2020 organized by Indian pharmaceutical association, scored 4th rank among 950 students. On-Chip Criminal Face Recognition Embedded in Traffic Cameras.”
» She achieved the position of first runner-up in the girls’ badminton competition during the annual sports event » He had Consistently performed well, ranking in the top 10% of the batch in engineering, graduating with first
at the Institute of Pharmacy and Technology, Salepur, Odisha. distinction, and securing multiple job offers
Hrithik Sujil Amrit Upadhyay
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Sc.
UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering UG Specialisation : physical science
Work Experience in months : 20 Work Experience in months : 19
Worked with : DATARIG PVT LTD Worked with : Devansh Enterprises
» Hrithik worked as a Market analyst in Datarig Pvt ltd and during his employment he consistently demonstrated » Amrit Upadhyay did an internship with Astorianz Industries Pvt. Ltd., where he worked on the “crowdfunding
his capability in Digital marketing. pitch”.
» Hrithik and his team were First runner-ups in Hult Prize TKMCE 2020, where he was required to formulate a » He served in a key role as a member of the Finance and Investment Cell during his undergraduate studies.
business plan that brings a sustainable change in the food industry. » He was awarded a scholarship by the Uttar Pradesh government.
» Hrithik received a commendable 80% on the NPTEL Technical English for Engineers certification, which
demonstrates his strong technical communication skills, essential in both academic and professional settings
Marea Thomas Kollamkulam Rai Ashutosh Anil
UG Degree : B.Sc. UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : N/A UG Specialisation : Mechanical
Work Experience in months : 19 Engineering
Worked with : Fourth Wave Foundation Work Experience in months : 19
Worked with : Electromech Yale Lift Trucks
Pvt. Ltd.
» During her internship at Fourth Wave Foundation, Marea was one of the selected youths from India to participate » Rai Ashutosh Anil, recognized and applauded for working beyond the given job roles and having an out of the
in the esteemed Colombo Plan Drug Advisory’s (DAP) Youth Forum for Prevention of Substance Abuse, held in box approach in Vashi Integrated Solutions Limited.
Kerala. This highlights her dedication to social causes and her capacity to engage effectively on an international » He completed a certification in Sales Funnel technique from Great Learning, enhancing her expertise in sales
platform. strategies. This achievement underscores his commitment to professional development and mastering key
» A certified grade 8 rock & pop vocalist from Trinity College London, She leveraged her musical talent to become business skills.
the Choir Conductor of the Josephite Choir (2021-2022) in Bangalore. Under her leadership, the 140-member
choir won numerous competitions, showcasing her organizational skills and artistic excellence.
» Her leadership journey began early, starting as a House prefect in the 5th grade and culminating as House
captain in the 11th grade. Her exceptional qualities were further recognized when she was appointed Head Girl
in the 12th grade, demonstrating her dedication, responsibility, and ability to inspire her peers.