Page 72 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-2023-25
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IIM Visakhapatnam
                                                                             Summer Placement Brochure 2023-25

                                 Somya Jain                                        Aditya Rajendra Kathole
                                 UG  Degree : B.Tech                               UG  Degree : B.E.
                                 UG Specialisation : Electronics and               UG Specialisation : Production
                                 Telecommunication                                 Engineering
                                 Work Experience in months : 21                    Work Experience in months : 21
                                 Worked with : Publicis Sapient                    Worked with : Divya Krishi Agency

                »  Somya  Jain  has  interned  with  British  Telecom  India  where  she  worked  closely  with  the  networks  team  and     »  Aditya has worked as a Store Manager for Divya Krishi Agency for 21 months where he was in charge of day-
               collaborated with the design team, enhancing cross-functional teamwork skills. This involved a multidisciplinary   to-day operations, inventory control, marketing the products, building trusting connections with clients, and
               approach, ensuring seamless communication and effective project execution.   comprehending their needs.
                »  She  served  as  the  Coordinator  in  the  Entrepreneurship  Cell  at  SGSITS,  Indore  where  she  organized  various     »  Aditya has volunteered for the Robin Hood Army and Sevadharma Education and Multipurpose Society, where
               entrepreneurship  events  and  competitions  leading  to  significant  student  engagement  and  showcasing   he has assisted with food distribution, Tree plantation, educating the farmers, gathering donations and delivering
               innovative business ideas.                        them to the needy.
                »  She  has  completed  J.P.  Morgan  Asset  Management  course  and  acquired  knowledge  in  financial  analysis,     »  Aditya has interned with Royal Rubbers Engineering for three months where he participated in production of new
               portfolio construction, and risk management for successful investment strategies.  variants of Spring Damper and Inertia Cavity Frame.

                                 Pradeep Singh                                     Shatadru Sarkar
                                 UG  Degree : B.Sc.                                UG  Degree : B.Tech
                                 UG Specialisation : N/A                           UG Specialisation : Computer
                                 Work Experience in months : 21                    Science & Engineering
                                 Worked with : Department of Posts India           Work Experience in months : 21
                                                                                   Worked with : CGI

                »  Pradeep  has  earned  a  supervisor-level  certificate  in  Herbalife  Nutrition  as  an  independent  distributor,     »  Shatadru has worked with CGI as Associate Software Engineer where he built a robust and customised Charts
               highlighting his initiative, business acumen, and ability to excel in a competitive environment, along with strong   with Apache Superset BI tool and Deployed application in kubernetes and maintained several pipelines
               communication and sales skills. Also certified with the “ECMP Operator cum Supervisor” certificate provided by     »  He holds an NCC “A” Certificate and attended two 9-day NCC camps.
               NSEIT on behalf of UIDAI.
                »  He is a regional player in basketball and athletics, highlighting his versatility and commitment to sports.    »  He is Microsoft certified in Azure Fundamentals, where he learned about all the services that Azure offers.
                »  He has demonstrated outstanding academic performance by achieving a perfect 10 CGPA in his 10th grade, and
               get a Certificate Of Merit, showcasing his dedication and consistent excellence in studies.

                                 Shreya Gangapari                                  Devanshu Dharmendra Vishwakarma
                                 UG  Degree : B.Com                                UG  Degree : B.Tech
                                 UG Specialisation : N/A                           UG Specialisation : Information
                                 Work Experience in months : 21                    Technology
                                 Worked with : Pioneer Convent School              Work Experience in months : 21
                                                                                   Worked with : Wipro Limited

                »  Shreya has completed a course in Tally ERP 9, an accounting software primarily used in small companies    »  Devanshu worked with Wipro Limited for 21 months as a Project Enginner, in which he Developed Project Plans,
                »  She has completed import-export training, which included a site visit  Collaborated with Clients, ensured Compliance with Policies and prepared Comprehensive Documentation.
                »  She has also completed a basic Excel course offered by Prime Institute    »  He actively contributed to extracurricular activities, serving as a member of the ITSA Sports Committee, Captain
                                                                 of the ITSA Volleyball Team, player in the Winning Lineup of the ITSA Football Team, and as a member of the
                                                                 Publicity  Team  for  Wings’  2020,  the  National  Level  Technical  Event  at  Government  College  of  Engineering,
                                                                 »  He  has  participated  in  various  technical  workshops,  including  Ethical  Hacking  at  TechFest  IIT  Bombay,
                                                                 Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Applied Deep Learning, Computer Vision & NLP with Python, and AWS & DevOps
                                                                 at GECA.

                                 Rishav Chandra                                    Sanjana Vajjala
                                 UG  Degree : B.Com (Hons.)                        UG  Degree : B.Tech
                                 UG Specialisation : N/A                           UG Specialisation : Aerospace Engineering
                                 Work Experience in months : 21                    Work Experience in months : 21
                                 Worked with : Sandeep Agarwal and                 Worked with : Ufaber EduTech Pvt Ltd
                »  Rishav excelled academically, securing top position in the school and became a school topper during class 12th.     »  Sanjana completed an Executive Education program in Product Management from Indian School of Business,
               His dedication and hard work distinguished him as a standout student.  gaining  comprehensive  expertise  in  product  design,  development,  positioning,  branding,  and  distribution
                »  He served as the School captain/Head Boy, demonstrating exceptional leadership and responsibility. In this role,   through hands-on industry examples and case studies.
               he effectively represented the student body, organized events, and fostered a positive school environment. His     »  She participated in Singapore Space & Technology Ltd’s (SSTL) Singapore Space Challenge, designing an Earth-
               commitment and leadership skills were highly respected by both peers and faculty.   Observation satellite system for disaster management and presenting the solution at the Global Space and
                »  He achieved runner up status in Lawn Tennis tournament at the Zonal Level in DAV National Sports 2017. This   Technology Convention (GSTC) annual conference in Singapore in 2019.
               accomplishment reflects his dedication, skills and competitive spirit in the sport making a significant milestone     »  She  discovered  9+  preliminary  asteroids  in  the  Asteroid  Search  Campaign  conducted  by  the  International
               in his athletic journey.                          Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) in association with NASA and Pan-STARRS.

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