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76 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                                                                                                                                  IIM Visakhapatnam | 77
                                                                                                                                                                                                     IIM Visakhapatnam | 77
                    76 | Placement Brochure 2022-24

                            Sunidhi Kaswan                                   Dhakshika Senthil Kumar                                               Ankit Gambhir                                    Nagubilli Greeshmika

                            UG  Degree : B.Com                               UG  Degree : B.Tech                                                   UG  Degree : B.Com                               UG  Degree : B.Arch
                            UG Specialisation : Commerce                     UG Specialisation : Electrical                                        UG Specialisation : Finance                      UG Specialisation : Architecture and Planning
                            Work Experience in months : 15                   Work Experience in months : 14                                        Work Experience in months : 13                   Work Experience in months : 13
                            Worked with : Brand Bazooka Advertising Pvt      Worked with : TATA Consultancy Services                               Worked with : M/S Car love                       Worked with : Fab India Ltd.
                            Ltd.                                             Summer Internship : Loop Health                                       Summer Internship : Hitachi Systems India        Summer Internship : ICICI Bank
                            Summer Internship : Jobizo                                                                                             Pvt Ltd

               Š Sunidhi got a PPO from Jobizo for the role of marketing manager.    Š Dhakshika is part of the Students Affairs Council as the Academic Secretary for the     Š Ankit is a Marketing Enthusiast and has worked in Hitachi Systems India Pvt ltd as a     Š Greeshmika was selected for the International Student Exchange Programme at Facchochschule
               Š She headed the corporate relations department of the entrepreneurship society   Academic year 2023-24, and is responsible for maintaining smooth communication about   Marketing Intern in his Summer Internship.  Erfurt, Germany during her undergraduation; She has actively contributed to research and
                                                               academics between students & faculty representing Student’s Academic Council.
                                                                                                                                                                                      development of Project “Shunya” being run by CBSE
             in the under graduation college for which she also got an LOR from the Principal.    Š She secured third prize in “Jinzai”, an HR competition held by the Manthan- The HR club of     Š He possesses extensive expertise in the automotive industry through his involvement in     Š She has interned with ICICI bank under the Global Clients Group (Renewables team) and evaluated
                                                                                                                                    the family business. He successfully managed and ensured the satisfaction of over 3000
               Š She qualified for All India Air Force School’s sports championship in athletics.  IIM-Visakhapatnam.               customers. Furthermore, he significantly boosted website traffic by 80%, attracted 60%   strategic inputs like market potential, market dynamics for risk calibrated growth and identified
                                                                Š She contributed in completion of testing of s/w releases in finance and promotion   more customers to the physical store, and achieved a remarkable 45% increase in sales.  the solar PV investment opportunities for the bank.
                                                               modules in SAP during her tenure in TCS, received two times Best Team awards, and also     Š He has played National Speedball Championship sport affiliated with the Asian speedball     Š She has been recognized as one of the “100 Best Future Managers to watch out for” by Fujitsu
                                                               received word of appreciation from onsite lead.                      federation(ASBF), Kuwait & recognised by Federation International De Speedball (FISB)
                            Aniket Sable                                     Digvijay Dnyandeo Jadhav                                              Rachita Nandi                                    Ishita Ghutake
                            UG  Degree : B.E.                                UG  Degree : B.Tech                                                   UG  Degree : B.Pharm                             UG  Degree : B.E.
                            UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering       UG Specialisation : Major - Mechanical                                UG Specialisation : PHARMACY                     UG Specialisation : Computer Engineering
                            Work Experience in months : 14                   Engineering; Minor - Electronics and                                  Work Experience in months : 12                   Work Experience in months : 12
                                                                             Telecommunication Engineering
                            Worked with : Befable LLP                        Work Experience in months : 14                                        Worked with : KANTAR                             Worked with : Accenture
                            Summer Internship : Biddano Pvt Ltd                                                                                    Summer Internship : ADANI WILMAR                 Summer Internship : H-Town
                                                                             Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services                                                                                Technologies
                                                                             Summer Internship : Goldman Sachs
               Š Aniket has interned with Biddano Pvt Ltd as a Product Management intern and     Š Digvijay has received a recommendation as a diligent Investment Banking Analyst with expertise in     Š Rachita has done her summer internship in Adani Wilmar limited where she was     Š Ishita worked with Accenture as an Application Development Associate in Salesforce
             worked on product enhancement and Optimizing Customer Experience.  private equity, demonstrating market understanding and startup assessment.  responsible for the skill mapping process for the entire manufacturing division.  technology after completing her graduation in Computer Science engineering from
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mumbai University. She is a Salesforce certified Administrator and Appbuilder.
               Š He has done the Green Belt Lean Six Sigma certification from KPMG.     Š He has attained National Institute of Securities Markets Series V-A certification with 83% and     Š She ranked among the top 3% in the batch, 6th out of 194 students in CBSE 2017    Š She is a NISM certified Mutual Fund Distributor for 5 Indian Banks. She also published her
               Š He has received an “A+” grade in a certificate course in Mountaineering and Allied   secured an ARN number from the Association of Mutual Funds in India.    Š She was one of the top 5 scorers of her batch in ICSE 2015 & received Vidya Ratna   Research paper on the topic “An Intelligent Crop Price Prediction using suitable Machine
             sports from Savitribai Phule Pune University.      Š He led the team which finished in the top 91 out of 920 Teams in the Global Management   by Press Club of Asansol Mega City for the same.  learning algorithm” by ICACC-2021 available online.
                                                               Challenge - the world’s largest strategy and management competition.                                                    Š During her internship at H-Town Technologies, she worked on the project “New product
                                                                                                                                                                                      feature research and marketing strategies for Falkon Systems” including content  and
                                                                                                                                                                                      social media marketing to enhance the company’s online presence.
                            Jayanth Krishna Sai Roddam                       Vaishnavi Ravikiran Kore                                              Raj Krishna R K                                  Dasari Naveen Kumar
                            UG  Degree : B.Tech                              UG  Degree : B.Arch                                                   UG  Degree : B.E.                                UG  Degree : B.Tech
                            UG Specialisation : Computer Science             UG Specialisation : Architecture                                      UG Specialisation : Electronics and              UG Specialisation : Electronics and
                            Engineering                                      Work Experience in months : 13                                        Communication Engineering                        Communication Engineering
                            Work Experience in months : 14                   Worked with : Green Earth Consultants                                 Work Experience in months : 12                   Work Experience in months : 12
                            Worked with : Accenture India Ltd                Summer Internship : Wella Company                                     Worked with : Cognizant Technology Solutions     Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services
                            Summer Internship : Luxaire Luxury Fans                                                                                Summer Internship : APEITA                       Summer Internship : Sreedhar Mohan &
               Š Jayanth led the product traction & marketing project for Luxaire Luxury Fans in the Hyderabad     Š Vaishnavi has a prior work-ex of 13 months and has recently interned with Wella Company.     Š Raj Krishna had won the Marketing Case Competition “Markoid,” hosted by IIM Lucknow.    Š Naveen has worked as a software Engineer and has also completed two
             market, resulting in 10% increase in overall sales within 2 months. Around 10 leads were   She conducted market research on Mass Hair Color Category in India, evaluating consumers,   internships in the field of Finance, Sales and Marketing
             generated out of which only 5-6 were converted resulting a revenue of 20 Lacs+ in the internship   competition, salons, pricing, and education. She developed a Go-to-Market strategy with a unique     Š He completed an internship at APEITA in the Marketing and Strategy position for the project
             span.                                             proposition, positioning, and promotional plans for new product launch.  “Strategy to Establish Vizag as India’s Next IT Hub.” This project entailed meeting with over     Š He stood at top one percentile in academics during graduation among batch of
               Š He completed live project with Laugh Guru as Business Development Associate and received letter     Š As a national finalist in the Enigmatic: Marketing Case Competition, she developed a Go-to-Market   25 CEOs from IT companies in Vizag and devising a strategy to attract IT companies to   500 students.
             of recommendation for exceptional performance in sales (10 leads) by increasing brand visibility   strategy for Food Elements and effective marketing and distribution strategies to launch new   initiate their operations in the city.
             via digital marketing campaigns.                  produc                                                                                                                  Š He has an inclination towards event management and was the event coordinator
               Š Based on exceptional performance as E-Leader in Wadhwani foundation associated E-leader     Š As Junior Coordinator of Cultural Cluster, IIMV, and Co-head of Samaarambh 7.0, she organized     Š In his undergrad, he excelled, winning first place in a Robot Swimming event with 50 teams   for placement and sports events managing 400+ students.
             networking workshop, he was recommended to start Entrepreneurial Club in association with   and managed the national annual cultural fest with 1100 attendees and, as a Marketing Cohead,   nationwide  at  RoboVR-IIT  Bombay,  securing  the  first  prize  at  NIT  Trichy’s  “SUBMERGE”
             the Foundation so that aspiring entrepreneurs could gain access to mentors, market leaders, and   created digital content for social media, brochures, and event merchandise.  Submarine competition, and ranking third in IIT Madras’ “PALS Quest” Technical Quiz.
             other networking professionals.
                            Samprit Premsagar Shamkuwar                      Suyash Pandey                                                         Abhijeet Bedse                                   Harshita Kanjani
                            UG  Degree : B.E.                                UG  Degree : B.Sc                                                     UG  Degree : B.Tech                              UG  Degree : BBA
                            UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering       UG Specialisation : Information Technology                            UG Specialisation : Agricultural Engineering     UG Specialisation : Marketing Management
                            Work Experience in months : 13                   Work Experience in months : 13                                        Work Experience in months : 12                   Work Experience in months : 12
                            Worked with : Mechanical Design Engineer         Worked with : Ernst and Young LLP                                     Worked with : XL Dynamics Ind Pvt Ltd.           Worked with : Adsgrip
                            Summer Internship : Cyboard Ed-Tech              Summer Internship : Artha Venture Fund                                Summer Internship : Cyboard Edtech Pvt           Summer Internship : Fujitsu Consulting
                            Private Limited                                                                                                        Ltd.

               Š Samprit has completed Green Belt Program on Lean Six Sigma    Š Suyash secured the first position in Stratethon- An intra college consulting quiz     Š Abhijeet has worked in XL Dynamics Ind Pvt Ltd. as a Associate financial analyst. He was     Š Harshita outshone thousands of applicants to secure her position among Fujitsu’s “100 Best Future Managers
                                                                                                                                                                                      to Watch out for in 2023”. She showcased her prowess as a “National Winner” in Prajwalan 2.0, a national
               Š He has alsocompleted Certified Buisness Analyst Program by Phoenix Global  competition conducted by IIM Visakhapatnam  responsible for ordering and processing Appraisal Report (US Mortgage) worth 16-18   consulting case competition by SIBM, and secured runners-up position in Brand Aficionado, a renowned
                                                                                                                                    lakhs Rupees on daily basis.
               Š He received Certificate of Excellence for achieving 37th rank on Strategion:     Š He was selected as the ‘Best NM’ student coordinator by the Training and          ad-making competition.
             Consulting Quiz Competition organised by Think Five Analytics Inc.   Placement of SVKM.                                  Š He has interned with Cyboard Edtech Pvt Ltd. as a Sales & Marketing Intern. He has     Š She has completed 7 Internships in marketing and management in companies like; Nestle, BMW, Outlook
                                                                                                                                                                                      Magazine, etc. She has worked on high profile clients like Microsoft India, Perfeti Van Melle, Bunge, etc.
                                                                Š He has won multiple football and simulation events at school and college level   generated more than 60 Positive leads resulting in many positive Conversions/Sales.
                                                               some of them being Malhar’17 (St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai), Discidium’16 (H.R.     Š He was the part of Placement Committee team during his 1st year of MBA in IIM     Š She is a Digital Content Creator on Instagram with a 50k+ reach and has collaborated with 20+ brands. Her AR
                                                                                                                                                                                      Filter went viral with 20 million+ users and was featured in Newspapers like First India, Miss Malini, etc.
                                                               College, Mumbai) and Catholic Cup’15 (St. Dominic Savio College, Lucknow)  Visakhapatnam.
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