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70 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 71
 70 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
                                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam | 71

 Raghavendar S  Shireen Hatmode  Anjali Gupta                                Shreeja A

 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Com                    UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Electronics &   UG Specialisation : Electronics &   UG Specialisation : Commerce  UG Specialisation : Electronics and
 Communication Engineering  Telecommunication  Work Experience in months : 23  Communication Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 24  Work Experience in months : 24  Worked with : HCL Technologies Ltd.  Work Experience in months : 23
 Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services   Worked with : CropData Technology Pvt Ltd  Summer Internship : Invesco Ltd.  Worked with : Cognizant Technology Solutions
 Limited  Summer Internship : Larsen & Toubro                                Summer Internship : Max Fashion
 Summer Internship : Ernst & Young Llp
   Š Raghavendar interned in EY, wherein he partnered with multidisciplinary teams and involved key     Š Shireen has interned with Larsen & Toubro as a Human Resource Intern and worked on     Š Anjali has secured third position in PM Design Ideathon organised by IIM     Š Shreeja has interned with Max Fashion and undertook a project on understanding
 stakeholders in developing holistic strategies addressing third-party risk management, business   Competitor Benchmarking related to compensation & benefits, learning & development, rewards   Ahemedabad and Ank Ganit 2.0 organised by IIM Vishakhapatnam  the price perception of Max and its competitors
 continuity management, IT disaster recovery, and cloud security for a prominent NIFTY 50   & recognition and employee engagement of L&T Data Centre. She has also worked on Skill Matrix
 company and a Fortune 500 FMCG company.  and Talent Acquisition.    Š She is teaching over 250 underprivileged children in Noida and Lucknow, in     Š She was the runner-up in the Marketing Triathlon, a PAN Indian case competition
   Š He worked for TCS, wherein he was part of the development team that handled legacy applications     Š She is a Senior Placement Committee Representative at IIM Visakhapatnam and is responsible   association with CHETNA NGO  hosted by FMS Delhi
 of one of the leading globalized insurance providers based out of North America  for maintaining corporate relations, generating leads and expanding the network to foster new     Š She is KPMG Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certified and NISM series V-A Mutual Fund     Š She has completed a course on Blockchain and Business Strategy conducted by
 relationships of the institute with the corporate world. She also served as a Junior Placement
   Š He has served as overall coordinator for the state level technical symposium that happened on   Representative at IIM Visakhapatnam.  Distributor affiliated by SEBI  Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
 February 2020, wherein his team managed to bring in about 800+ participants from all over the     Š She has worked with CropData Technology Private Limited for over a period of 2 years and headed
 state of TamilNadu  important projects in the marketing department.
 Debashish Paul  Navin Vijay  Soban Ansari                                    Shailesh Bhoyar

 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Com(Honours)          UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Electrical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Electronics and   UG Specialisation : Commerce  UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 24  Communication  Work Experience in months : 23  Work Experience in months : 22
 Worked with : Wipro  Work Experience in months : 24  Worked with : T.A. TEX.  Worked with : Byju’s
 Summer Internship : Cognizant  Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services  Summer Internship : Rasapoorna Foods   Summer Internship : Tiger Analytics
 Summer Internship : MTR    Pvt. Ltd.

   Š Debashish worked at Wipro as a Project Engineer. He worked as a deputy team     Š Navin got recognized by Fujitsu as one of the 100 best future managers to watch     Š Soban has worked at T.A. TEX. as operations manager. He has increased     Š Shailesh is the National Winner of REDEA 2023 case competition, organized by IIM-L and
 lead from offshore and has proficiency in service management. Prior to Wipro, he   out for  productivity by 25% and reduced cloth rejection by 30%.  Uttar Pradesh Sadak Parivahan Nigam in this solved the challenges of Citizen Experience
 also worked in Paramount Research Services and has increased sales and reduced   and Diesel Leakage by conducting primary research in the form of Focus Group Discussions
 client conversion time while working.    Š He was one of the finalist in Kirit 3.0 case competition. He presented final ppt in     Š He has completed his training in MYSQL, Data Visualisation, Excel Charts &   (FGD)
   Š During his internship with Cognizant as a consulting intern, he was responsible for   front of Kirloskar group of companies D suite executives.   Graphs, Accounting Fundamentals, Analysing Company Performance using Ratios.    Š He  is  also the  National  Winner  of  NEOM  case competition  at ISB-Hyderabad  in  this
 understanding the key challenges of the customers and helping with the creation     Š He won second position in FMS marketing triathalon case competition, in which     Š He has interned at Rasapoorna Foods Pvt. Ltd. as a management trainee. He has   proposed a policy improvement based on the study of the current policy landscape and
 of differentiating value propositions or key win themes for the proposals.  800+ teams participated.  also interned as a summer intern at Rachit Prints Pvt. Ltd. and MNY & Associates.  built a solution to reduce the cost of transportation & scope 3 GHG emissions.
   Š He is also the national winner of NITI Gyaan 2.0, a case competition organized by     Š He is the 2nd  Top Performer  of Central India  in K12(JEE/NEET) Campaign out of 550
 the Business and Public Policy Club of IIM Visakhapatnam.     Business Development Associate(BDA) and Sr BDA at Byju’s
 Aadish Jain  Dharmeshwar S  Parmesh Kumar                                   Hussain Soyab Neemuchwala
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Sc                   UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Mechanical  UG Specialisation : Mechanical engineering  UG Specialisation : Physics & Mathematics  UG Specialisation : Electrical Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 24  Work Experience in months : 24  Work Experience in months : 22  Work Experience in months : 22
 Worked with : Quality Construction  Worked with : BLP  Worked with : K D B Post Graduate College,   Worked with : Secure Meters Limited
 Summer Internship : Ernst & Young  Summer Internship : Larsen & Toubro  UP  Summer Internship : State Street
                            Summer Internship : INDQ

   Š Aadish was top performer-2021 while working in an infrastructure firm(for 2 years) as a project     Š Dharmeshwar has secured second rank in his department during the first     Š Parmesh worked with INDQ on custom dental braces and postpartum care products, where he     Š Hussain is a Senior Placement Representative (11/272) and had been the Junior Placement
 manager.  semester examination in UG and won cash prize for the same  conducted market research, optimized the product’s price point, evaluated the market dynamics   Representative at IIM-Visakhapatnam. He is responsible for conducting and coordinating
   Š He achieved first place in product design competitions(‘Productathon’ & ‘Techtopia’), developing     Š He established a cloud kitchen “V2 Foods” which is a semi dine-out based in   and analyzed the competitive landscape, and suggested business ideas.  placement related activities of 600+ MBA candidates of the institute.
 innovative B2B features for Twitter and Facebook, utilizing market research delivering winning   Chennai, specialising in non vegetarian food.    Š He identified the material by experiments that PVDF (an organic material) was more sensitive     Š He has received a scholarship of 550$ from IIM-Visakhapatnam for CFA Level 1 examination and
 solutions for customer engagement and revenue growth through B2B feature development,   in comparison with other materials used for health monitoring devices available today and also   has ranked among the top 3 students within a cohort of 272 students.
 revenue projections, prototyping, and metric identification.    Š During his summer internship at L&T, he analysed the challenges in Saudi work   developed a thin film of PVDF material through the spin coating and deposited Ag/Au thin film on     Š He has created multiple dashboards for StateStreet Global Advisors Finance division while
   Š He delivered comprehensive cumulative license positioning report to clients as an intern in   culture and gave recommendations on receiving and giving feedback to Saudi   a glass slab to fabricate OFET devices.  interning there using Tableau and Alteryx. He has also recieved an Alteryx Designer Core
 Software Asset Management at Ernst and Young.  nationals. He also developed practical solutions for overcoming cultural obstacles.    Š He was a member of the winning team of the NITI Gyaan 2.0 competition organized by the Indian   certificate & Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential certificate from the Alteryx Community.
             Institute of Management (IIM), Visakhapatnam.
 Srishti Jain  Gawai Amit Harihardas  Tanvi Shah                             Bodhisattva Kar
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.E.                   UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Chemical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Information Technology  UG Specialisation : Computer Engineering  UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 23  Work Experience in months : 23  Work Experience in months : 22  Work Experience in months : 22
 Worked with : Collegedunia Web Pvt. Ltd.  Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services  Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services  Worked with : Prakalpa Construction Company
 Summer Internship : SBI Capital Markets   Summer Internship : SBI Life  Summer Internship : Cognizant  Summer Internship : Tractors and Farm
 Limited                                                                     Equipment Limited

   Š Srishti was a summer intern at SBI Capital Markets Limited, where she studied the airport     Š Amit won the 1st place in Inquisitive - Fidlatica 7.0 Case Study Competition hosted     Š Tanvi was the Junior coordinator of Manthan, the HR club at IIM Visakhapatnam.    Š Bodhisattva interned with TAFE during which he analysed the tractor market landscape
 sector, its stakeholders, tariff determination and accordingly prepared a financial model   by SCMHRD    Š She has received a Bronze category certificate in StrategyCo. Global Management   in Bihar unveiling the competitor’s market growth strategy, shedding light on crucial
 for the upcoming Navi Mumbai Airport, including P&L statement, Cash Flow Statement,   pain points that led to the unfortunate loss of market growth opportunities in terms of
 Balance Sheet and key ratios such as project IRR, Equity IRR and DSCR    Š He completed Live project at Phoenix Global for Business Analytics  Consulting Bootcamp  both market share and volume and identified a total of 21 key blocks where TAFE holds
                                                               significant potential for future success.
   Š She is Certified as an analyst and mutual fund distributor under SEBI regulations, 2007     Š He completed Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification    Š She qualified for the 2nd round of  HCCB Disrupt Season 1 case competition by
 where she learnt basics of Equity, Debt, valuation, investment risks, risk mitigation  being in the top 5% out of 21,000+ participants.    Š He has successfully completed the requirements for Certified Business Analyst and
                                                               Certified Product Manager from Phoenix Global and Six Sigma Green Belt certification
   Š She emerged as a National Winner in the Inquisitive - Fidlatica 7.0 (Analytics fest),   from KPMG.
 organised by SCMHRD, Pune with Tata Technologies as its knowledge partner.    Š He has been elected as the Hostel and Mess Secretary of IIM-Visakhapatnam.
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