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62 | Placement Brochure 2023-24 IIM Visakhapatnam | 63
IIM Visakhapatnam | 63
62 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
Prateek Mahapatra Krishna Kant Verma Mehar Satsangi Vikram Singh Tomar
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : B.Tech
UG Specialisation : Electrical Engineering UG Specialisation : Computer Science & UG Specialisation : Mechanical UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering
Work Experience in months : 36 Engineering Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 35
Worked with : Professional Assistance for Work Experience in months : 35 months Worked with : ISGEC Worked with : Tega Industries Limited
Development Action (PRADAN) Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services Summer Internship : IFANglobal Summer Internship : Landmark Group,
Summer Internship : Heritage Foods Summer Internship : Rasapoorna Foods Max Fashion Limited
Limited Pvt. Ltd.
Prateek is a Senior Placement Representative 2023-24 (11/272) and had been the Junior Placement He was selected as Finalist - Best Manager, Barcode 2022, organized by Symbiosis Mehar has received certificate of appreciation for his strategy and marketing role Vikram finished his Max Fashion Group retail operations internship. He compared Max Fashion’s
Representative 2022-23 (20/273) at IIM Visakhapatnam. He is responsible for coordinating Institute of Management Studies (SIMS), Pune during his internship at IFANglobal. expansion approach to its competitors throughout his internship and developed a strategy to save
placement-related activities of 650+ MBA candidates. Max Fashion INR 2,39,000 each store opening.
He coordinated national projects like NRLM, MGNREGA, etc. to address economic deprivation in He was one among the top 15% in the HRwiz competition organized by the Indian He has secured 2nd runner up position in Viands Arcadia national competition of During his tenure at his previous organization, Vikram achieved remarkable success and earned
indigenous communities by mobilizing them into self-governed groups and developing relevant Institute of Management, Rohtak making business plan organized by IIM Sirmaur. three consecutive promotions, ultimately reaching the position of Assistant Manager. He attained
livelihood prototypes as a project executive in PRADAN these promotions by consistently exceeding his budgetary targets for both the Jamshedpur and
He interned at Heritage Foods, where he closely collaborated with the RTM head of India. He has received Certificate of Merit in Quiz competition organized by LogixInfo He has received letter of appreciation for Indian Railways project from Business Ghana regions.
His project enhanced the Distributor Management System (DMS) nationwide visibility. He Solution Pvt. Ltd Head during his job at ISGEC. He was a part of the organizing committee and worked as an officer in KIIT Model United Nations,
coordinated with Distributors, Distribution Centers, Area Sales Managers, Sales Executives, and one of the biggest Model United Nations worldwide. This allowed him to compete in and win
Sales Representatives, actively going to the field in the Telangana region to improve the DMS and national and college acting festivals.
streamline the process.
Mrinal Anand Anup Chandak Karan Ralhan Naveen Nishanth A
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : Electronics and UG Specialisation : Electronics and UG Specialisation : Civil Engineering UG Specialisation : Electrical and Electronics
Communication Engineering Communication Work Experience in months : 35 Engineering
Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 35 Worked with : SYSTRA MVA Consulting India Work Experience in months : 35
Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Worked with : Cognizant
Summer Internship : Jobizo Summer Internship : APEITA Summer Internship : Kalolwala & Summer Internship : UrbanNaps
Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Mrinal has received 12 “On the spot award” in TCS as an SAP BW consultant. Anup has a work exp of 35 in Tata consultancy services where he worked as Karan successfully completed 2 months summer internship at Kalolwala & Naveen Nishanth achieved the Runner-up position in the PAN Indian Marketing case
He has received “Letter of Recommendation” from Phoenix Global for his a backend developer for the TCS PF Trust team. He has been appreciated Associates as an intern-research analyst. competition 2023 at FMS Delhi. Additionally, he was recognized as a Finalist in the
Microsoft B-School Engage 2022 case study challenge.
performance in Live Project. for managing the disaster recovery drill and received client appreciation He successfully obtained the “NISM Mutual fund Series V-A Mutual Fund He was selected as the Junior Coordinator of ANK – the IT and Analytics club of IIMV,
He has received “Certificate of Appreciation” for the extraordinary performance as notes for continuous support within the stipulated SLA. Distribution Certification” hosted multiple case study competitions, workshops, effectively managed the club’s social
a Business Analyst during his Summer Internship. He has completed his Summer Internship at APEITA, where he worked on a He successfully completed a 6-month industrial training at Patel Infrastructure media, and was elected as the Section Leader of intra-college cultural competition.
project to develop Vizag as the IT Hub of Andhra Pradesh. Limited He was honored with the Sapphire Award at Cognizant for his outstanding contributions
He has cleared NISM V-A: Mutual funds distributors certification in handling bad records and automating thresholds in the document-based Insurance
examination and secured 69/100 marks. application.
Neeraj Mishra Saswat Pattnaik Deepak Kumar Prakhar Srivastava
UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.Sc UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : Electrical and Electronics UG Specialisation : Physics UG Specialisation : civil engineering UG Specialisation : Electrical Engineering
Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 34.5
Worked with : ITSC Technologies Private Worked with : Manthan International School Worked with : Tata consultancy services Worked with : Capgemini
Limited Summer Internship : Ernst and Young LLP Summer Internship : Rasapoorna foods Summer Internship : Hindustan Shipyrad
Summer Internship : Adani Enterprise private limited Limited, Visakhapatnam
Limited- Natural Resource
Neeraj has interned with Adani Enterprise Limited- Natural Resource in Strategy and Operations Saswat has interned at Ernst and Young LLP as a business consultant in technology risk. He has worked in Deepak is certified with six sigma green belt. He has undergone training and learnt the Dmaic Prakhar has twice received appreciation from Director of Engineering at GE
domain. During his internship he has prepared Business Case on Fuels as a part of strategic the cybersecurity team in an engagement involving a global industrial automation solutions provider as the approach and their real world applications. He is also certified in analytics and operations. Aviation for his on time and quality work delivery while his tenure at Capgemini.
investments and conducted Time Motion Analysis to compute efficiencies of existing system client. He has assisted the team in preparing gap assessment report, implementation roadmap and executive He has undergone 2 months training in Rasapoorna Foods where his responsibilities included
He has worked with JSW Steel Limited before. There he has worked in the field of Digitalization, summary for a security readiness assessment of the client, based on a proprietary security framework predicting future demand forecast and helping with marketing activities like analyzing potential He has interned with governement organisations Hindustan Shipyard Limited and
consisting of 300+ controls.
Inventory Management and Planning of maintenance. He has executed improvement projects market for new outlet and gifting industry. He used Power BI to design dashboard to streamline DRDO during his MBA and Engineering.
that has generated savings of INR 3,00,000 per hour He has worked at Manthan International School as a Content Developer, where he has collaborated with the visualization process.
teachers in tailoring teaching strategies in science which improved the board result by 9% between 2020-22. He is an avid photographer and has covered all the cultural events held at IIM
He has won Gold Award in Quality Circle forum of India. He has co-authored and published five research papers in Physics in reputed international journals from He has worked in TCS for 3 years as a system engineer. The key responsibilities included Visakhapatnam.
Monitoring system/Application for uptime and performance. He managed server &/or application
Springer, Elsevier and IoPScience. usage, monitored and handled job/process failures. He also automated and implemented
standard processes to reduce the overall deployment time.
Khush Lodaya Swanand Pande Rohit Mishra Abhik Halder
UG Degree : BBA.LLB UG Degree : B.E. UG Degree : B.Tech UG Degree : B.E.
UG Specialisation : LAW UG Specialisation : Computer Engineering UG Specialisation : Electronics & UG Specialisation : Production Engineering
Work Experience in months : 35 Work Experience in months : 35 Communications Work Experience in months : 34
Worked with : Yash Sugars Worked with : Capgemini Work Experience in months : 34 Worked with : Marketing & Sales
Summer Internship : Premia Food Summer Internship : Schneider Electric Worked with : Flytxt Summer Internship : L&T Realty
Additives (I) Pvt. Ltd. Summer Internship : ConceptNinjas
Khush is the holder of Savitri Jindal Studentship for his exemplary performance in Swanand has completed his Summer Internship as a Management Intern at Rohit has worked as a Software Engineer at Flytxt, where he was responsible for Abhik achieved 60 % success rate in bidding for successful tenders & also fulfilled
Law School Admission Test Schneider Electric where he worked on the project to make the Non-IT Integrated researching and developing their customer data analytics product. the target to bring orders valued to Rs.112 Cr+ in the Fy ‘21 – 22
He has published an article on “Is Beef Ban in Maharashtra Constitutional” in the acquired entities of Schneider Electric be 100% compliant to its Trust Standards He has interned at ConceptNinjas, where he managed an online assessment He received Certificate of Appreciation from Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd
Legal Service India forum. He has worked for 35 months in Capgemini prior to pursuing MBA and has platform project involving market research to find potential leads, providing He received appreciation mail from CHRO (L&T Realty) for exceptional
received multiple awards and appreciation for his work in the projects
He held the position of Class Representative in Career Development and He has completed two Azure certifications (AZ-900 & AZ-204) in the domain of inputs for product improvement, content creation, and promotion using digital performance and successful completion of the task
Placement Division in his undergrad and now was the Junior Placement cloud computing and the Google Data Analytics certification offered on Coursera platforms.
Representative at IIM Visakhapatnam. He was selected (4/272) as the Junior Coordinator of Novus - Product
Management club of IIM Visakhapatnam during 2022-2023.