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60 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 61
 60 | Placement Brochure 2022-24
                                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam | 61

 Shailee Kotian  Jayanta Ray  Vaibhav Khandelwal                             Hillol Samanta

 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech                 UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Computer Engineering  UG Specialisation : Manufacturing Engineering  UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 36.5  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36
 Worked with : Zeus Learning  Worked with : State Bank of India  Worked with : Infosys Limited  Worked with : JSW Steel Ltd., Apollo Tyres Ltd.,
 Summer Internship : Optum (UHG)  Summer Internship : Brainwired  Summer Internship : Kalolwala &   Orgrameen Bioproducts Pvt. Ltd.
                            Associate                                        Summer Internship : Tata 1mg

   Š Shailee worked at Zeus Learning as Senior Software Developer. She has contributed towards     Š Jayanta during his internship at Brainwired, an agritech startup, Jayanta excelled as a Finance     Š Vaibhav was Finalist of Ingenium, a national level flagship strategy competition, by IIM     Š Hillol, while interning with Tata 1mg, has designed a Live Dashboard and Checker System which
 development of AI based learning system and in-house AI proctoring product. She led a team of   Executive and was rewarded with a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO). He skillfully crafted a compelling   Udaipur, where he presented their ideas on problems of New market entry by Skilled   showed a potential of 15% cost reduction in the Fuel Pay-out of last mile delivery at Pan India
 15-20 developers on two projects from conception to deployment.  pitch deck to highlight the company’s potential growth trajectory, presented it to the Senior   Sapiens, by performing different analyses and providing key growth areas, revenue & cost   Level.
   Š She as Product Management Intern at Optum (UHG), worked on a project involving decoding   Economists at the World Bank, resulting in their approval of grants for the startup.  model, and strategies to maintain profitability.
 unstructured clinical data using healthcare NLP. She identified user pain-points, system use     Š He has been elected as Subject Representative for 5 different Courses for his Section and     Š He has previously worked with JSW Steel Ltd. as Junior Manager in Production Planning and
 cases, suggested feasible solutions that could create significant business impact, and developed     Š His tenure at State Bank of India stands as a testament to his exceptional dedication   Control Department, and with Apollo Tyres Ltd. as Fleet Business Specialist in Sales and Marketing
 agile roadmaps. While interning at Indian Data Science Hub, she developed toolkits for data   and remarkable achievements. He has attained the prestigious “AAA” rating, a letter of   was responsible for enabling continuous dialogue and seamless interaction, ensuring   Department.
 visualisation.   recommendation and was promoted from “Junior Associate” to “Associate”.  2-Way feedback between faculty & student.
   Š She is currently the Senior coordinator of Alumni Committee. As junior coordinator of ANK - IT and     Š He worked as a Probationary Officer at ICICI Bank, before joining SBI, where he achieved 125% of     Š Vaibhav has Published and Presented a Research paper on ‘Numerical Simulation of     Š He was also a Junior Coordinator and has been currently working as Senior Coordinator of the
                                                               Entrepreneurial Passion and Innovation Club, IIM Visakhapatnam.
 Analytics Club, she has organized various case competitions, workshops and guest lectures.   the monthly target for acquiring new trade customers.  buoyant flows from heat source block in a ventilated enclosure’ at 12th international
             conference on Thermal Engineering.
 Aveerup Deb  Dushyant Gupta  Tejas Panchbhai                                Sagar Bhoriya
 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Sc  UG  Degree : B.Tech                   UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Mechanical Engineering  UG Specialisation : Chemistry  UG Specialisation : Electronics  UG Specialisation : Electrical Engg.
 Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36
 Worked with : Reliance Industries Limited  Worked with : Trivium Education Pvt. Ltd.  Worked with : L&T Technology services  Worked with : Relaxo Footwear Ltd.
 Summer Internship : Bain & Company  Summer Internship : ICICI bank  Summer Internship : Service Now  Summer Internship : Cyboard EdTech Pvt.

   Š Aveerup has worked with one of the Big 3 in strategy consulting, Bain & Company, where he     Š Dushyant is recognized as a Director’s Merit List (DML) student, Batch Rank 1 with     Š Tejas served as a product manager intern with Service Now, where he oversaw     Š Sagar Bhoriya was part of the Production Planning & Control team at Relaxo Footwears
 designed wireframes for a self-serve interface for Case Teams at Bain, which is expected to free   a CGPA of 3.87 for the academic year PGP 2022-23.  the creation of a platform concept addressing the onboarding, offboarding,   Ltd., responsible for strategizing and executing the operational activities to ensure plan
 20% resources of Benchmarking Teams  retention, and transition workflows for clinicians in the US.  compliance while maintaining controlled inventory levels. During his stint at Relaxo, he
   Š He has work experience as a Product Management Executive at Reliance Industries. His team     Š He is selected as senior coordinator of Vyuham- The consulting club where is   was responsible for on-time stock transfer to improve the time to market.
 received Certificate of Achievement in the ‘Outstanding Team Award’ category for exemplary   responsible for budgeting and managing the activities of the club.    Š He has worked as a volunteer for the Rotaract club of the Nashik airport,     Š He has interned at “Cyboard Edtech Pvt. Ltd.” where he worked as a D2C sales intern
 project work , onboarding alternate vendor to de-risk business activities and working steadfastly     Š He is the national winner of the “Fujitsu 100 Best Manager” case competition and   administering charity tournaments and organising food and blood donations.  cum admission counselor and was responsible for approaching customers, sales
 to grow the business.  second runner-up of CHUNNAUTI – MUN organized by the Business policy club     Š He served as the department head for the electronics department in his UG for   presentations, and sales closure.
   Š He has secured FIRST RUNNER-UP position among 170+ participants in the Article Writing   of IIM V.  national level sports festival, “Enthusia.”    Š He was the Gold medalist (secured 1st Rank) in the Bachelor of Technology, Electrical
 Competition conducted by Finance Club IIT - Madras in collaboration with The Indian Express  Engineering department at UIET MDU.
 Meheresh Gupta  Yash Purohit  Ashutosh Chauhan                              Arzoo Goyal
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech               UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Oils, Fats & Surfactants Technology  UG Specialisation : Electronics and Communication   UG Specialisation : Power Engineering  UG Specialisation : Chemical
 Work Experience in months : 36  Engineering  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36
 Worked with : Godrej Industries Limited (Chemicals   Work Experience in months : 36  Worked with : ISGEC Heavy Engineering Ltd.  Worked with : Tata Steel Limited
 Division)  Worked with : TCS
                            Summer Internship : Schneider Electric           Summer Internship : Yes Bank Limited
 Summer Internship : ICICI Lombard GIC Limited  Summer Internship : Andhra Pradesh Electronics
 and Information Technology Agency
   Š Meheresh is a Senior Placement Representative (11/272) and had been the Junior     Š Yash has been awarded with the Star of the Month Award for his outstanding     Š Ashutosh Chauhan interned with Schneider Electric and led the development of editable     Š Arzoo was a result-oriented intern at YES Bank who was responsible for building
 Placement Representative at IIM-Visakhapatnam. He is responsible for conducting and   contribution to the project he was working on in his previous organisation.  frameworks and articles for continuous improvement processes, empowering employees to   strategic alliances to expand the business and she initiated the onboarding
 coordinating placement related activities of 600+ MBA candidates of the institute.  implement lean methodologies. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in driving the automation   process of four solar OEMs to explore potential business opportunities.
             of the certification creation and rewards process using RPA and the UI Path platform, resulting in
   Š He has consistently received awards and recognition for his exceptional performance at     Š He has also been awarded with the Special Initiative Award for organizing   improved accuracy, efficiency, and an enhanced employee experience.
 Godrej Industries Limited. He was honored with the title of “Outstanding Commitment   knowledge transition training sessions for all the new joiners in the project he was     Š He has completed eight Google-developed courses in data analytics and has received the ‘Google     Š During her work experience at Tata Steel she implemented a structured approach
 towards Leading Business,” acknowledging his unwavering dedication and significant   working on.  Data Analytics Professional Certificate’ from Coursera.  to  tracking progress and reduced the project delay period by 3 months
   Š He has earned the NISM Series V-A Certificate, demonstrating his proficiency in mutual     Š He has led a team which has been awarded with the On the Spot Award for     Š He has worked as a design engineer and his key responsibilities included working on technologies     Š She demonstrated knowledge of mutual funds by successfully completing the
             from global OEMs, carrying out the process calculation and preparing design basis reports for
 funds distribution. Additionally, he holds certifications as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and   excellent performance in the client’s annual event.  different equipment.  NISM Series V-A Mutual Fund Distribution Certification Examination.
 an internal auditor for QMS ISO 9001:2015.
 Ponnaganti Mahendra Jai Sudheer  Suyash Garg  Kovvuri Vikram Reddy          Subhashis Chattaraj
 UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : B.Tech               UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Mechanical engineering  UG Specialisation : Computer Science &   UG Specialisation : Metallurgical and Materials   UG Specialisation : Electronics and
 Work Experience in months : 36  Engineering  Engineering                    Communication
 Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36  Work Experience in months : 36
 Summer Internship : Synclature  Worked with : Publicis Sapient  Worked with : Bharat Aluminium Company Limited  Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services
 Summer Internship : Cognizant  Summer Internship : Adani Transmission Limited  Summer Internship : Turtlemint

   Š Mahendra secured 2nd position in all India case competition “Data Sights” held by     Š Suyash was actively involved in street play and led his team to victory in various     Š Vikram has interned in strategy department at Adani Transmission Limited as an     Š Subhashis won ‘Technical Excellence’ award in TCS for understanding and solving a critical
 IIM Kashipur  events including one of the big cultural fests of India, Thomso’15, IIT Roorkee.  Analyst.  business problem related to Renewal Notice generation. This new development helped
   Š He raised funds for open wings foundation by using marketing techniques such     Š He worked as a performance engineer with Publicis Sapient and parallelly     Š He is a senior coordinator of MarkAdz, Marketing Club of IIM Visakhapatnam. He   clients to improve their business operations, which clients have appreciated through
 as segmenting, targeting there by helping the organization to achieve the funds   operated as a floor warden at his office.   has co-organised two marketing national level case competitions “Meme your
 they desired  way!” and “Launchpad 3.0”.                       Š He & his team received ‘Best Team Award’ in TCS for migrating existing platform into
   Š He is the “Security Ninja” for his project TMP (Talent Market Place) in TCS where     Š He worked as a business development analyst at Cognizant and supported pre-  newer technologies to improve user experience. Clients have appreciated speed and
                                                               quality of delivery. He led the team for this project.
 he is the sole person who is responsible for identifying, resolving, maintaining the   sales effort by researching emerging technologies and how to leverage them to     Š He has served as the Treasurer for the Society of Automotive Engineers India,
 entire security systems in the project.  provide effective solutions to clients.  Collegiate Chapter, NIT Durgapur.    Š He has received an appreciation note while working in TCS for efficiently handling
                                                               important and highly escalated production issues.
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