Page 59 - 5-Year-Book
P. 59

DECEMBER 2019                                                                International Conference
           Samaarambh 4.0                                                               on Operations Research

                                                                                        and Decision Sciences


                                                                                        IIMV  kickstarted  its  first-ever  International  Conference  on
                                                                                        Operations  Research and Decision Sciences (ICORDS-2019)
                                                                                        on 28 December 2019. It was the first in the series of the
                                                                                        prestigious conferences      the   Institute   has   scheduled.     The
                                                                                        program was co-chaired by Prof. Anirban Ghatak and Prof. B.
                                                                                        Srirangacharyulu.  The  conference  was  a  confluence  of
                                                                                        researchers,  faculty  members,  practitioners         and    students
                                                                                        interested    in   both    theoretical    advances     and    practical
                                                                                        applications in the field of operations research and decision
                                                                                        sciences. The event was inaugurated by the former Director of
                                                                                        IIT Hyderabad and distinguished Alumnus of IIT Kanpur Prof.
                                                                                        Uday Desai.                                                               59
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