Page 5 - IIM Vizag 2023 Placement Brochure__Spread Page_07-11-2023_High-res
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02 | Placement Brochure 2023-24                                             IIM Visakhapatnam | 03


 Message from                                          from the

 the Director                                          Chairperson

            Dear Recruiters,                                  us  with  self-confidence,  risk-taking  appetite,  patience,
 We, at the Institute are proud of this graduating batch of Gen-Z
 Trained to convert   who will be stepping into their work careers on the strength of   Greetings from IIM Visakhapatnam!!  empathy and other skills and capabilities.
 challenges into   their high  academic achievements and co-curricular and extra   IIMV, set in 2015, moved to 29th rank in the list of best   Our placement records had been consistently cent
 curricular accomplishments. Imbued as much with shared values
                                                              percent and in terms of the quantum of salary packages,
 opportunities, their   and social responsibility as with professional competence, they   management institutions of the country in the NIRF   bettering the record of some of the more established
 are employment-ready  and raring to go. Trained to convert
                                                              IIMs. We always look forward to establishing a mutually
            ranking 2023 as compared to 33rd rank last year when
 challenges  into  opportunities,  their  unmatched  skillsets  and
 unmatched skillsets   managerial mettle are the strengths that organizations would find   we participated in the NIRF ranking for the first time. It   beneficial  relationship  with  our  industry  partners.
                                                              We  welcome opportunities  to build  strong  industry-
            is a celebratory event as the Institute continues to stand
 valuable. As organizations gear up for more efficient operations,
 and managerial mettle   innovative value-chain models, better customer engagement and   first amongst all the third-generation IIMs and even out-  academia linkages  to ensure that our curriculum
            performed some of the second-generation IIMs as well.
                                                              remains industry relevant where students are exposed
 sustainable  outcomes that balance social, environmental and
 are the strengths that   economic capital, they would find the value proposition that our   The Institute remains committed to its vision, mission,   to real-world issues that help  us provide them with
            goals and objectives and looks to better its ranking in
                                                              experiential learning and facilitate in building leaders of
 graduates bring to the table appealing.
 organizations would   This is a warm invite to all recruiters to experience first-hand, the   the forthcoming academic years.  tomorrow.
                                                              IIMV has spearheaded itself amongst the new generation
            As  COVID-19  pandemic  challenges  have now  almost
 find valuable.  talent of our cohort of competent and confident students. I am   waned  out,  as  an  educational  institution,  IIMV’s   IIMs by strategically blending excellence in teaching and
 positive that the association will be mutually rewarding.
            commitment to society continues  with  the same zeal   training, learning, research,  consulting  and advisory
            and rigour. The IIM Act, 2017  and the New Education   not only for students but also for working executives,
 Prof. M Chandrasekhar  Policy 2020 aim for social inclusivity with a view to build   professionals  and  practitioners  across sectors to
                                                              enhance inclusive, equitable and sustainable national
            a  new  21st  century  India.  Our  education  models  are
 Director   aimed to be designed to empower the young  minds   development goals echoing the city that is strategically
            to  work, build,  create and  generate opportunities  for   located amidst Eastern Ghats and the coast of Bay of
            smarter, digital and internet-based economy.      Bengal. The strategic location of the Institute has been
                                                              instrumental in attracting faculty with strong academic
            The Institute, though in its nascent stage, continues to   and  research credentials  from  reputed  international
            provide  high-quality  programmes to  all.  It  continues   Institutes as well.
            to be a preferred destination  for students  across the
            country,  truly  reflecting  the  ‘harmony  in  diversity’   Being an Institute of National Importance under the IIM
            imprint  that  echoes  Visakhapatnam  as  ‘The  City  of   Act 2017, the Institute has ambitious plans to scale itself
            Destiny’.    With  the  near-completion  status  of  the  first   up in all realms,  scopes and specializations, ensuring
            phase of the permanent campus in Gambheeram, the   that such efforts feed into national development goals
            Institute is ready to imprint strong footprints in the   and be a jewel amongst all IIMs, just as Visakhapatnam
            education space.                                  is a jewel of the East Coast of India.
            Our  flagship  Program  in  Post-Graduation  nurtures  a   We welcome industry including first-timers, to help us
            culture of applying  classroom learnings  to complex   build a strong and long-term relationship of trust, belief,
            and  challenging  settings.  The diversity  of  academic   faith and integrity with IIM  Visakhapatnam through
            and  professional  backgrounds  of  students  stimulates   summers and finals processes.
            advanced and holistic understanding  and new
            approaches to solving real-world problems. The CDS   Thank you!!
            Office  and  the  Placement  Committee,  supported  by             Prof. Deepika R Gupta
            faculty  and  staff,  have  been  instrumental  in  their
            efforts in ideal ‘matching’ between the students and the                    Chairperson - CDS
            prospective employers. Management education equips
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