Page 63 - IIIMV Final Placement Brochure-2023-25
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IIM Visakhapatnam
            Summer Placement Brochure 2023-25

 Piyush Ajay Malvi  Aayushi Mehra  Neeraj P S                                      Chouhan Nilesh
 UG  Degree : B.E.  UG  Degree : B.Com  UG  Degree : B.Tech                        UG  Degree : B.Sc.
 UG Specialisation : Mechanical   UG Specialisation : N/A  UG Specialisation : Production   UG Specialisation : Transportation
 Engineering  Work Experience in months : 30  Engineering                          Technology
 Work Experience in months : 30  Worked with : Taxway Group  Work Experience in months : 27  Work Experience in months : 27
 Worked with : Accenture         Worked with : Entri Software Private              Worked with : Reliance Retail Qwik Supply
                                 Limited                                           Chain Pvt Ltd
   »  Piyush was the sports secretary of mechanical branch in undergrad college.    »  Aayushi has demonstrated remarkable Team Management skills during her tenure at OnCloud Accountants as a     »  Neeraj worked as a Senior Growth Associate at Entri Software Private Limited, where he led a team of Growth     »  Nilesh was awarded Best Employee of the Year (2021-22) for the Hyderabad Hub while working at Reliance Retail
   »  He  received  an  award  “client  value  creation”  for  his  exceptional  dedication  and  contribution  to  his  client’s   Tax Accountant, significantly increasing the team’s performance.  Associates to successfully achieve the company’s highest revenue and profitability. Under his leadership, the   Qwik Supply Chain Pvt Ltd.
 migration project in his tenure with Accenture.    »  Owing to her creative flair, she worked with a creative agency to write and act in multiple commercials.  team excelled in their efforts, driving significant growth in activation and retention funnels, and setting new     »  He achieved operational cost savings of Rs 24.5 lakhs per month
   »  He interned with Cognizant gaining valuable experience and demonstrating remarkable skills in challenging and     »  She gained recognition for her support in management during Tax closing month from Taxway Group.  benchmarks for the company’s success     »  He also won the Intracollege Football Championship
 dynamic environment.    »  He won First Prize in Ragam 2020, the National Level College General Quiz Championship conducted by the
               National Institute of Technology Calicut
                »  He won the APJAKTU University Inter Collegiate Handball State Level Championship in 2018, securing first place
               at the state level

 Subarna Biswas  Suryaprakash Shanmugam Chettiyar  Gowtham Nallampalli             Mitrabasu Behera
 UG  Degree : B.Com (Hons.)  UG  Degree : B.Com  UG  Degree : B.E.                 UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : Accountancy  UG Specialisation : Finance &    UG Specialisation : Biotechology  UG Specialisation : Civil
 Work Experience in months : 29  Accounting  Work Experience in months : 27        Engineering
 Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services  Work Experience in months : 29  Worked with : Sartorius  Work Experience in months : 27
 Worked with : Suraj Foods & Marketing                                             Worked with : Tata Consultancy Services

   »  Subarna has 29 months of experience as Process Associate  at TCS, where she led a team of five in the OTC     »  Suryaprakash has contributed towards the design & selection of packaging cover during his employment at     »  Gowtham worked in the Biotech sector as a Qualification Engineer (BPS-Quality Team) at Sartorius Stedim India.     »  Mitrabasu  got  multiple  accolades  while  working  at  TCS  which  includes  “Commitment  Award”  for  actively
 process, driving performance improvements and operational efficiency   Suraj Foods & Marketing.  He holds the prestigious Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification.  engaging in numerous solutions regarding UI/UX and Web Content Accessibility areas.
   »  She received the “Best Performer of the Year” award, nominated by her Australian client, and a recommendation     »  He has successfully completed the certification course on Excel Skills for Business : Essentials, authorized by     »  His contributions to the projects in the company have been rewarded with the “Best Lean Project” and “Digital     »  He has done an internship under “Roads and Buildings Department”, Government of Odisha during his 2nd year
 letter from them, acknowledging her as an asset to their company and for increasing their profits.  Macquarie University.   Innovation Award” of 2024.  of Under graduation (B. Tech.)
   »  Additionally, she has successfully completed a three year course in Rabindra Sangeet with first division and     »  He  has  successfully  completed  the  two  credit  course  “Economic  Foundations  of  Pricing”  offered  by  IIM     »  Additionally, his team received the Excellence Award for their case study at the 37th National Convection of     »  He worked as an associate with “New India”, a non-Governmental Organization actively participating in Social
 distinction in each year and has also finished a one year course in Classical music with first division and distinction.  Bangalore.  Quality Concepts in Nagpur.  Services. He has organized awareness programme on Covid-19 prevention, food packet distribution and health
                                                                 sanitation etc.

 Jay Anil Raut  Ronnie Rajesh Gaikwad  Poola Vinod Kumar                           Pranjlee Gajendrakumar Kolte
 UG  Degree : B.E.   UG  Degree : B.E.   UG  Degree : BCA                          UG  Degree : B.E.
 UG Specialisation : Electrical    UG Specialisation : Civil    UG Specialisation : Computer    UG Specialisation : Electronics and
 Engineering  Engineering        Applications                                      communication Engineering
 Work Experience in months : 28  Work Experience in months : 28  Work Experience in months : 26  Work Experience in months : 26
 Worked with : Ganesh Gouri Industries  Worked with : RGames  Worked with : Concentrix - Daksh services   Worked with : Wipro
   »  Jay served as the secretary of  “ YASH” 18.0 college’s fest and was a part of organizing events like Bharavi,     »  Ronnie Gaikwad has been a game developer and has worked with “Funorama” a Game Publishers from Israel,     »  Poola  Vinod  Kumar  completed  his  graduation  with  first-class  distinction,  showcasing  his  dedication  and     »  Pranjlee published a research paper in the IEEE journal on “Early Alzheimer’s Detection Using Random Forest
 Megheshree and others . And during this, he was also coordinating among 5 teams & managed  all  students   he did the ideation, designing and development of the game and then did a KPI test into US and Israel gaming   academic excellence.   Algorithm” and a literature review on “Sanitary Napkins.”
 and  the faculty members  market to get analytical data about its performance.    »  During his sixth semester, he undertook an individual project, demonstrating his ability to work independently and     »  She worked at Wipro as a project engineer, where she was responsible for analyzing data and creating insightful
   »  He  was  a member of sponsorship committee in his College’s electrical engineering event “ELECTRICA 18.0”.    »  He  also  volunteered  in  Govt.  Veterinary  dispensary  where  he  created  social  awareness  in  people  for  stray   apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges  dashboards in PowerBI. She also worked as an automation tester.
   »  He has  earned an Excel certification course on Udemy.  adoption, participated in dog adoption campaigns and helped in adoption of stray dogs and helped the doctors     »  He  gained  valuable  professional  experience  as  a  Senior  Representative  in  Operations  at  Concentrix,  where     »  She was a member of NSS and Rotary Club, where she organized numerous events focused on supporting
 in handling the animals during their treatment  he  honed  his  leadership  and  operational  skills.  This  blend  of  academic  success,  project  management,  and   underprivileged people, promoting rural education, and hosting art-centric activities.
   »  He has also been a Joint Sports Secretary during his engineering where he generated revenue by collecting   professional experience positions him well for future endeavors.
 sponsorships for the tournaments, conducted auction for team creation and made sure a fair and healthy sports
 tournament is conducted.

 Keshav Dhirasaria  Hemanth Kumar chigulrev  Praveen                               Subhajoy Mahanta
 UG  Degree : B.Com (Hons.)  UG  Degree : B.Tech  UG  Degree : BBA                 UG  Degree : B.Tech
 UG Specialisation : N/A  UG Specialisation : Computer    UG Specialisation : Banking &    UG Specialisation : Civil
 Work Experience in months : 28  Science & Engineering  Finance                    Engineering
 Worked with : Finex Hong Kong Limited  Work Experience in months : 27  Work Experience in months : 26  Work Experience in months : 26
 Worked with : Superm Hospitality  Worked with : MedX Healthcare                   Worked with : Wipro
   »  Keshav Dhirasaria holds the position of “Junior Placement Representative” at IIM Visakhapatnam, selected from a     »  Hemanth started a company in E-commerce business space launching multiple websites. His ventures include     »  Praveen has done Internship with Lex Empress for 45 days which allowed understanding of daily operations of     »  Subhajoy has 26 months of work experience as a consultant, where he has engaged with advanced technologies
 pool of 344 candidates after undergoing a rigorous selection process and winning the election  a  multivendor  platform  for  artists,  a  customized  gifting  platform  and  dropshipping  platform,  each  providing   the organization’s finance and accounting department and improvement of analytical skills in handling different   such as Aveva PI, MS Azure and .NET Core. He has earned 4 awards for his exceptional performance and his
   »  He has worked for a total of 28 months with two different organizations, Blume Global India Pvt. Ltd. (a Supply   valuable learnings in market dynamics and customer preferences.   types of financial reporting and compliance issues.  efforts in promoting teamwork and cooperation.
 Chain Visibility Company) and Finex Hong Kong Limited (an Alternative Fund Placement Company), At Finex     »  His partnership with superm hospitality led to innovate new ventures in F&B field including a studio bar, a buffet     »  He has done Seven-day live project with Modi Naturals focusing on modern retail: understanding customers’     »  He has consistently excelled academically. He has graduated first class with distinction as an undergraduate from
 he successfully raised money for a global venture capital firm specializing in early-stage investments in AI and   restaurant and cloud kitchens, leading a team, he is known for his effective management skills in busy work   buying behaviour, proper display of products, and perfecting the merchandising displays for increased market   NIT Durgapur, securing a rank of 7th in his department. He was the district topper of Burdwan East for the CBSE
 machine learning sectors.  environment.  share and better customer attraction.  Class 12 examination in 2018.
   »  During his undergraduate, he was a part of the CREATIVE TEAM for Arbitrage’20, organized by The Department     »  In  addition  to  his  entrepreneurship  achievements,  he  exemplified  in  nation  wide  competitions  securing  434     »  He has Completed NISM Mutual Fund 5A and NISM Equity & Derivative certifications with scores of 58% and 68%,     »  He was the Web Development Team head and Senior Coordinator for Entrepreneurship Development Cell, NIT
 of Commerce at Ramjas College.  rank in final round NCO.  respectively, demonstrating proficiency in financial instruments and investment strategies  Durgapur. He spearheaded a team for the upliftment of entrepreneurship culture on campus. He pioneered the
                                                                 launch of the official website of Entrepreneurship Development Cell in 2022.

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