Page 39 - iimv-news-letter-finaljan-apr22
P. 39


                                       Longing gaze at the full moon

                                       Reminiscent aroma of bliss & boon

                                       Tranquil whispers of caressing breeze

                                       All my worries melt away to freeze

                                       Serene silhouettes of stoic mountains

                                       Guarding since ages, pleasure & pains

                                       All my ego, all my useless ambitions
                                       Mad race to find elusive redemption

                                       Fades away into a vast limitless sky
                                       Brings from heart a smile of pure Joy.

                                                   Sumit Kumar Gautam

                                                   MGNF Fellow, Longding district, Arunachal Pradesh

        37   VOL. / ISSUE  /JAN APRIL
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44