Page 19 - NewsLetter Vol 2 Issue May 2020.cdr
P. 19
India's merchandise export to the world: $484 Billion
The Indian economy has also been affected and it has come to COVID-19 & revival from its Ÿ Engage more people in making health kits, such as masks
an abrupt stop due to lockdown and it has left most of the and gowns (PPE kits).
companies lunging for a sale and this might lead to closure of after-effects Ÿ In China, 8000, factories are producing masks.
some rms and the rms at risk are those belonging to Why not in India? Here in India, many people want
MSME's. Firstly, they don't have surplus prots to bear losses Intro: China's contribution to help, but they do not have any idea about how
for a short term and as per the reports are to be believed then Today India is facing the worst health crisis in a generation. is 18% they can help. We can make a platform where an
75 million in India will face closure if the period of lockdown The novel Coronavirus is spreading quickly. At this time, we interested person can come as a volunteer and
extends beyond 4 weeks and more if lockdown extends. need to follow the ground rule, which is hyper-individualism. start working.
Closure of MSME's can be detrimental to the whole nation as This pandemic is going to affect our economy. In these three Ÿ Companies should try to explore alternative ways to
there are around 1,61,000 MSME's (of which 99% are micro, months, it has already affected a lot, and in the future, it engage their employees to get the same productivity.
0.52% are small and .01% are small enterprises) and 114 depends upon the momentum at which it is spreading, and
million people are dependent upon it and it contributes how long it is going to continue to spread. In a nutshell, it can be said that when this phase gets over,
around 30-35% to India's GDP. This will lead to sectoral Effects till now: India's merchandise export to the world: $325 Billion everything is going to change, how people work, how they
imbalance also as 36% of trade sector and 31% of To control this pandemic event of COVID- 19, the government behave, even the work culture of an organization. Some
manufacturing sector comprises of MSME's. This negative had announced the whole country to remain shut down from industries are going to boost up, and some might struggle for
sentiment and diminishing liquidity among the citizens will not 24th March. 1.3 billion people had to sit at home; every school several years to get back to the track. It will not be the same as
only affect only one sector but this is a vicious circle where college got shut down; every manufacturing plant stopped people used to behave before. But everyone has to accept
govt would have to lend a helping hand to break this cycle. their work; every corporate ofce stopped working at the this change. They have to accept the “New Normal.”
Meanwhile, govt has taken some rehabilitation measures to ofce. More than 20 lakh employees have been asked to work China's contribution
save the MSME by increasing the Open Cash Credit Account from their homes. As of now, the scene is quite not good from is 9% by Girija Sankar Dey
limits by 20% and by exempting MSME accounts for NPA outside. PGP (2019-21)
classication. The penalties and nes for depositing different
taxes on time has been waived off for them and a special task Let's look deep down what is happening? Except for a few
force has been constituted to look for the long-term policy industries, all other sectors are entirely closed. At this time, Hence the point here is whole supply chain is being affected at
which can be taken to mitigate against these risks. the health sector, unorganized retail sectors, telecom industry this point. India is heavily dependent on China in the case of
are running. In entertainment, only those rms, which are imports. Since India is not able to manufacture, and also
All this would not have happened if initially, China had not tried active on digital platforms, are running at full capacity. But
to cover up the information about the spread of the virus from when we look at the lm industry, it is completely closed. because of lockdown, there is no way for export too. In India
the rest of the world. Nevertheless, later, it took some Similarly, the retail sector is also ceased. The travel industry itself, except for the health sector, food industry, telecom
authoritarian measures which seems to have proved effective has been walloped; it might going to persist for a long time if industry, there is not much demand in any other industry. Life on a Cliff
to curb the virus and the country is slowing trying to recover people do not feel comfortable & safe traveling by ight or In the future, there is a chance of increasing the
from the massive shock it faced. China's President even train. Brick and mortar stores, except for a minimum number unemployment rate. As per the report of Centre for Monitoring I wake up everyday; to those golden rays Piercing
comforted the Spanish Prime Minister and suggested that the of Kirana stores, are facing lockdown. Education sectors are Indian Economy (CMIE), the rate might hit 23% overall, and in through the mist, lighting up my face In a world full of
two countries should cooperate with each other after the shifting from ofine mediums of teaching towards a digital urban, it will increase to 31%. In March, the rate was 8.74%, love, tranquil on the edge Where I live in the skies
Pandemic is over. The Trump administration has taken some platform. which was an all-time high in 43 months. With truth and no lies
basic approach of the Chinese government however, In a mansion on the cliff
implementing the same kind of authority will be difcult in the But in the healthcare industry, there is a rise in the sale of hand At this time, the poor, daily wage earners, and marginalized Away from the world, closer to my dreams.
US. Some of the states like New York and California are taking sanitizer, masks. At this time, there is 8-10 times more groups are suffering the fortune. The main struggle is for the
strict measures however, few others have a very laid-back demand than usual. Also, there is a shortage of employees. informal sectors, which is 303 million from 1.3 billion
approach. US government has also imposed travel ban on The food industry is also crashed; mainly, luxury hotels are population. I sing it everyday, joining melodies in the air When the
Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron declared “State facing a massive loss at this time. Subscription service Revival methods: birds ock around Greetings at the dawn
of War” and strict measures to handle the damage being providers are getting affected positively at this time because Is India doing everything to combat the future crisis? Dancing with the winds, for the day to begin
caused by the pandemic. The leaders of the countries like people are being forced to sit at home, which eventually We need to keep these things in mind right at this moment; In those woods serene Far away from the anthrops No
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom makes them buy subscriptions and spend more time on Ÿ Even at this point, keep farmers at priority, which can drive cold hearts and no wars But the delightful views I gaze
and the United States also held a video conference to take a digital platforms to keep themselves occupied. the nation's future. Peeping sun and rising waves
pledge to support each other in these distressing times. Prime Predictions: Ÿ Farmers are the backbone of the country. To keep Away from the world, closer to my dreams
Minister Narendra Modi proposed to SAARC to set up an Indian is going to face an economic pandemic as severe as them safe, we need to keep our supply chain clear by
emergency fund with India and appealed to them to come the 2008 crisis when it was already struggling economically. properly maintaining both demand and supply in the
together and unite against the COVID-19. In Q2 FY20, GDP growth has come down to 5.1. After getting whole country. This should be done by taking all the And when the sun is gone
safety precautions.
The only ray of hope in this pandemic is the Pharma Sector hit by COVID- 19, Organisation for Economic Co-operation Ÿ Make more and more people aware of the pandemic Its windy, cold night
and it has lot to do to respond to the current situation. The and Development (OECD) has revised its growth projection disease's effect. Where woody ames keep me warm When the breeze
existing strategy of pharma should be changed according to to 1.5% in 2020, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) also Ÿ How can we stop the community spread of COVID- wraps me tight Glow-worms light the earth
business criticality while maintaining the continuous supply of had to rework on their growth expectation and made it 1.6% 19? For that, we need to make every people, Even the sky is lit bright
drugs, diagnostic kits, medical supplies and equipment. It for 2020. Considering the effect on the global economy, G-20 especially poor, unorganized sector population Gleamy eyes gaze the stars
should also work on ensuring special support in terms of staffs nations are taking policies to combat the crisis. In India, the aware of the safety precautions. Hence we can show
and other resources for hospitals in grimly affected areas and repo rate has been reduced to an all-time low rate of 4.4%. ads in between the most-watched series, such as As my joyous heart feels it right It's not just a place, but a
working with providers to supplement their alternative sites Cause: Ramayana or Mahabharat. paradise And I lay in dwam
with ambulatory surgery centers, off hospital clinics, ofces What is the root cause behind the growth projections to be a Ÿ More emphasis on Make in India campaign.
and infusion centers for medication administration and lower record low? By looking at the current scenario, the whole Ÿ This is the time for us to re-strategize our supply From dusk till dawn
acuity surgery. Some very good organizations can come up country is facing shut down, that means the connection with chain. Dependency on other countries is a primary Away from the world it seems, At a place closer to my
for the assistance in supporting patients in inuenced other countries regarding both import and export is stopped. reason for most of the manufacturing sectors, which dreams.
territories, such as accommodating in-home organization of During March 1-19, India's import basket saw a dip of 16% are going to be impacted by the shortage of raw
medication, transportation to off-site areas, or telemedicine majorly because of gold, precious stones, and a decrease in m a t e r i a l s . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e d a t a o f
administrations. They can accentuate the utilization of the price of crude oil. Similarly, in the case of export, India TradingEconomics total exports of India in Jan 2020
advanced channels to ensure that clients and patients get touched 2.9%, highest in 7 months in February, which again stands at $25360 million, while import was at $41140 by Darshan Shukla
what they need. This will really help our pharma sector in dropped to 1.5% after the lockdown. China contributes 14% million. It shows our dependency on other nations. PGP (2019-21)
dealing with the capacity constraints at this point of time when of India's imports, which is mainly manufacturing inputs. Even
just few numbers are chasing a giant population. in the case of the electronics industry, India is heavily Ÿ If we start shifting our focus towards Make in India
movement, it would not only narrow down our
The ght against corona will never end unless everyone dependent upon China. In that case, already imported items reliance on other sovereign states but also we can
comes together and give their best to break the chain that is that are already there in India need to be adequately protect our self from several pandemic diseases like
continuously damaging our economy. sanitized, but no one is ready to touch that equipment. China COVID- 19. At this time, when many nations are not
also plays a signicant role in India's import of Active
by Nishha Kathuria Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). As per the Trade ready to continue trading with China, we can take up
PGP (2019-21) Promotion Council of India, 85% of the total API imports of this opportunity and start a business, which will be
India comes from China. helpful for India's economy to back on track.
18 IIM Visakhapatnam IIM(V)IBES - A quarterly newsletter 19