Page 67 - IIMV-PGP2-Placement-Brochure
P. 67

Baibhav Kumar Singh                   Anup Mohapatra                      Arnav Sharma
                        (2018 – 20)                        (2016-18)                           (2017-19)
              Life in the City of destiny was quite   IIMV has really been a crucible   IIM  Vishakhapatnam has been  a
              enthralling  as well  as enriching   to  build  the  core foundation   pivotal milestone in my life. It was
              in  terms of  learning  various     to my personality. The facility    a transformational journey. I came
              aspects, not just from a business   and  support  to  navigate  the    with  an  exploratory intent  as I
                                                                                     wanted to figure out which domain
              point of view but also on Leading   interconnectedness    within       would  suit  me. The exposure I
              Life  in  a more meaningful  way.   various  elements   of   an        got  here  not  only  helped  me in
              Understanding the true meaning      opportunity,  has truly inspired   decision making but it also gave me
              of - “deadlines are sacrosanct” to   me, to think beyond just cracking   a new perspective. I learnt to work
              assisting friends and batchmates    a job interview and  propelled     with a diverse set of minds and got
              in securing their jobs via tireless   me to think boldly to create new   an  opportunity  to  learn from the
                                                                                     best in the industry.  I treated the
              PlaceCom   work,  we   sailed       opportunities  in the ecosystem    institute as my own start-up and
              through and learnt how not to be    we live in today. The network,     tried to contribute to its growth
              trapped  in  the  meaninglessness   the facility and the faculty are   to the best of my ability. I would
              of time.                            the triads that make all of these   always  cherish  the  memories  I
                                                  come alive.                        made here.

                     Karishma Fafat                          Tumul
                        (2017 – 19)                        (2017-19)
              Graduating  in  the  early batches   IIM  Visakhapatnam has given
              of IIM Visakhapatnam, it provided   me unlimited  opportunities  to
              a perfect environment    and        grow holistically and multifaceted
              opportunity for me to get out of    experiences  beyond  academics
              my comfort zone  and  explore       like Cultural/Business events, live
              things  apart  from   regular       projects,  BPIM,  etc. Being  taught
              academics.  And  looking back at    by  some of the best faculty  to
              it while working in the corporate   late-night group projects with my
              setup makes me realise that         friends, helped me in bringing a
              it  made  me  ready  for  the  real   better version of myself.
              world where we need to solve a
              different  problem  every  single
              day by the structured thinking
              approach  that  IIMV  nurtured  in

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