Page 28 - iimv-news-letter-final-v6
P. 28


                                                     Photography by Darshan Shukla (PGP 2019-21)

                   ALL IS WELL

                   Life became miserable,                           I couldn’t have the full square meal,
                   Love became painful,                             Nothing more remained than the Wi-Fi bill...

                   Friends, Still I felt, All is Well.              I thought to myself in general,
                   Let me tell you, my story full…                  Should it always be painful?
                                                                    And that’s when I began to feel... All is Well.
                   Campus entry was with full zeal,
                   Our classes ran like a mock drill,               My Dear Boy and My Dear Girl,
                   Until She said ‘Hi’ with a full smile,           Listen with your mind logical,

                   For the first time I felt my heart thrill!        Wherever persist you will…
                                                                    Try with your full will,
                  The next day,                                     To make your wishes fulfill.
                  I dressed up like a Model,                        Surely succeed you will,
                  Went to propose her like a Royal,                 If you enhance your skill
                  And to gift her the Apple (mobile).

                  Waited for her until, just when did she reveal,   Do remember till idyll,
                  That, She had another boyfriend still...          That Life always gets Beautiful,
                                                                    When you feel “All is Well”.
                   I put in my pocket the Mobile,
                   Rushed on my bike agile,                         - Ch. Naveen, PGP 2020-22, IIMV

                   And had an injury fatal…
                   My bones became fragile,
                   & the Nurse injected a sterile,
                   And she whispered with a smile,
                   My sweet Boy...All is Well…

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