Page 9 - 5-Year-Book
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The Institute is beholden to Dr B R L Row, an eminent scientist and a The sea-waves-like harmonious structure demonstrates the Institute’s
native of Vizag, who made a liberal donation of Rs.2.22 Cr. in memory of promise to deliver the best, consistently.
his late daughter Ms. Vani Row, a brilliant alumna of IIM Ahmedabad.
As desired by Dr Row, the endowment is being utilized for creating a The tagline, “Vidya Param Daivatam”, taken from “Niti Shatakam”, written by
knowl-edge-facility; and for awarding a Gold Medal every year, to the girl Bhartrihari, a 5th century writer and philosopher, means “Knowledge is the
student standing first in MBA, perpetuating the memory of Ms. Row. The Supreme Deity” a principle the Institute shall continue to follow and foster in
Institute has been celebrating the birthday of Ms. Row every year, all its endeavors.
regarded by the MBA students as an inspiration and a role model. -
On the permanent infrastructure front, the Institute is beholden to the State
That the Institute could record resounding successes in every sphere of Government for the allotment of a spacious site in serene and sylvan
its activity in just five years of its existence, gives us an immense sense surroundings. Situated within a stone’s throw from the National Highway to
of fulfilment. Kolkata, positioned in the close vicinity of a vibrant industrial park and
nestled among three majestic hillocks with a water body in the middle, this
IIMV is being described by many as a precocious child, much ahead of its site is an ideal location for focused knowledge-pursuit and entrepreneurial
time! Our aspiration is to be unique. Our ambition is to emerge engagements. The Institute has readied all the designs and is fully geared to
as path-breakers and trend-setters. Our aim is not only to follow best commencing the construction of a world-class campus that shall stand tall
prac-tices; but also, to create next practices. As we set upon the as an iconic landmark for all the times to come!
ambitious journey of attaining the standards of global excellence as
enshrined in the IIM Act 2017, our goal is to make this Institute a living Building on solid foundations, the Institute looks forward to being ranked in
example of the pop-ular quotation from Mahabharata that reads: the top 5 five IIMs by the end of the next five years. Such committed endeavor
is being catalyzed by the vision of the Chairperson of the Board Shri Hari S
What is here, is found elsewhere! Bhartia, an IIT Delhi alumnus and an eminent and much-respected industri-
What is not here, is nowhere else!! alist, the distinguished Members of the Board; the Finance Investment and
Audit Committee; the Building & Works Committee; the Ministry of Educa-
It is apt that the Institute, located in the sunrise state of Andhra tion (Govt. of India); the State, District and City Administration; the Mentor
Pradesh, chose an elegant and enchanting logo that portrays the colours (IIM Bangalore); the leadership of Andhra University and all our stakehold-
of sunrise. It depicts the Institute’s role as that of the sun illuminating ers and benefactors, who have been standing shoulder-to-shoulder, as part-
the lives of its students by imparting quality education and knowledge. ners in our progress.