Page 104 - 5-Year-Book
P. 104
Construction of Permanent Campus Commenced
IIMV is located in its temporary, yet state-of-the-art facility in the salubrious Andhra University
campus in the 'City of Destiny', Visakhapatnam. The Institute has begun the process for building
a permanent, full- edged, word-class campus on approx. 230 acres of land in the (relative)
vicinity of the upcoming green- eld international airport, about 25 kilometres from the present
(temporary/transit) campus. It is envisaged that the campus would blend with the surrounding
landscape (hills, valleys and water bodies), resonate with and re ect the local architecture,
traditions, culture, history, heritage, art and craft. It is being envisioned that the campus would
emerge as “First – in class” regarding novelty and uniqueness, and “best-in-class” regarding the
optimal use of resources.
The rst of the two phases of the campus, for which construction has already begun, will have a
built-up Area of 60,384 square meters, to accommodate 600 students. When both the phases
get completed by the middle of 2023, the Institute will have 115,800 square meters of built-up
area, to accommodate 1,170 students. The Classrooms, Hostels, Library, Auditorium,
Management Development Programs Centre, Guesthouse, Residences and Sports complex are
tastefully designed, making the campus iconic. This modern temple of learning will thus be
replete with knowledge-resources, amenities, and facilities, conducive to learning-outcomes of
high impact.