Balaji Srinivas Mangipudi

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My doctoral journey at IIM Visakhapatnam is, so far, a knowledge enriching experience. The PhD curriculum is well designed and articulated to induce the skills required to contribute to the research domain and establish as an independent researcher. The faculty members are supportive and welcoming in nature. The institute supports the innovation of ideas with eminent infrastructure and viable resources.


Batch / Specialisation: Production and Operations Management

Qualifications / Degrees:  

  • B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Work Experience/ Professional Appointments

  • Associated with Mahindra group for 5+ years
  • Spent quality time in R&D related to Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas domains

Research Interests/ Areas: Industry 4.0, Supply chain Management


  • Best team award for credible contributions in designing a precision instrument – “Viscometer”, now floated in the market.
  • Merit based Scholarship award at graduation level.

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