Anand Ram

V Anand Ram
Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
Fellow - IIM Ahmedabad
PGDM - IIM Ahmedabad

Prof. Anand Ram is Adjunct Professor in Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management area and was Dean – Organization Development & Administration.

V. Anand Ram has managerial experience in both public and private sector organizations.  He was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Stanford Centre for Organizational Research and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Management Learning, University of Lancaster, U.K. where he was involved in researching learning processes of managers and organizations.  He was also associated with a project involving design, conduct and evaluation of management assessment centres for identifying training and development needs of firstline managers for a leading multi-product company in U.K.  He was a member of the faculty in the Behavioural Sciences group of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta prior to joining IIM Bangalore.

Prof. Anand Ram has worked with several software companies in developing profiles of successful project managers.  He has designed and delivered custom-made management development programs for HP, Nokia, Syntel, Novell, HCL Technologies and many other companies in the software industry.  He has worked on consulting assignments involving organizational restructuring and manpower rationalisation.  He was also part of an international consulting team funded by Department of Foreign and Institutional Development (DFID) to assess the impact of institutional change in large public systems in Karnataka.  He was involved as Team Leader in a study on “A Functional Review of the Karnataka Forest Department” carried out for the Administrative Reforms Commission. He was also involved in an organizational change exercise at SEBI through design and delivery of custom made management development programs for managers at all levels. He has taught in several management development programmes and has also conducted studies on evaluation of effectiveness of management training programmes for several groups of managers.

Professor Anand Ram has published a number of articles in journals and has held several administrative positions at the Institute.  He was the Chairman of the Institute's Placement activity.  His areas of interest are Corporate Restructuring, Organizational Structure and Design, Organizational Learning, Human Resource Management in High-tech industries and Managerial Effectiveness.